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Things had gotten better as Caitlin entered the middle of her 2nd trimester, or rather they pretended things were better. Pregnancy enough is a difficult task and carrying two speedster babies just doubled the nausea and frequent bathroom trips. The couple needed to not pile on all their worries at once.

Barry, being already protective and caring of his family, was always by her side to help her with whatever, as was the rest of the team. Julian always made to check up on her with extra ultrasounds at Star Labs, Charlie making sure she didn't step foot into her lab, and Cisco kept her entertained to keep her off her feet. Joe and Cecile made sure to help prepare Barry and Caitlin for the wonders of parenthood. Iris, when she wasn't busy building her status in the reporter world or out with Eric, would try to help out as much as she could at Star Labs, which wasn't much besides monitoring the comms, organizing files, or cleaning up Cisco's legos. 

After a good month or so of living in the hotel, their house was ready to move into. Although after a long "discussion" with her daughter, Clara said she would be staying at the hotel until the babies were born or she was called back into work and Barry, Caitlin, and Charlie would move into the house.

 Although after a long "discussion" with her daughter, Clara said she would be staying at the hotel until the babies were born or she was called back into work and Barry, Caitlin, and Charlie would move into the house

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"Hey, hey, hey," Barry scolded Caitlin trying to grab a box of the moving truck, "let us handle this, you should be relaxing."

"Barry, I'm fine," she responded, "I just want to help, I'm sure a small box of picture frames won't hurt me." 

"No, but you trying to make your way up those stairs with a pregnant belly and this box will," he responded. 

"Touche," she replied.

"Why don't you and Cecile go to Jitters, while Charlie, Joe, Iris, Cisco, and I unpack everything, okay? With my speed, we'll be done by the time you get back" Barry said.

"Fine," Caitlin said reluctantly before kissing Barry goodbye before leaving with Cecile. 



"Thank you," Cecile said to the barista, passing her a tray of drinks, before joining Caitlin at the table. 

"Thanks for coming with me, Cecile," Caitlin said.

"No problem, Caitlin," Cecile responded passing Caitlin her drink. "Anytime you have time between naps and playtime, I'd love to go out."

"Thank you so much," Caitlin responded, " for everything I mean. This, helping us move in, get us ready for the babies, stuff I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for you and Joe. You've been helping me get ready to be a mom, by being the closest thing I'll ever have to a mom." 

"It's no problem Caitlin," Cecile said, "but despite the stories I've heard about your mother, I'm sure she cares about you. Even though she may not show it." 

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