"It was a mistake." Dalvin said holding onto my hands.

"It wasn't a mistake Dalvin just face it, you was looking for different options." I said.

"I am glad that I got out of what we were doing sooner than later because I was becoming way too attach to you." I added.

"Justine, please give me another chance." Dalvin said.

"Dalvin please respect my wishes we can be friends and forget that all of this ever happened." I said.

"Aight then." Dalvin said as he kissed my cheek.

"Happy Birthday Justine." He added as he walked away.

I took a deep breath as I looked over the view of Los Angeles feeling the cool breeze that was blowing my hair into the wind, I heard someone's voice as I knew it was Devante.

I took a deep breath as I looked over the view of Los Angeles feeling the cool breeze that was blowing my hair into the wind, I heard someone's voice as I knew it was Devante

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"You good?" Devante questioned.

"Yeah, just got done talking to ya brother." I said.

"What was he saying?" Devante asked.

"He kissed me catching me off guard." I said.

"He kissed you?" Devante questioned.

"Yeah, he was asking me to forgive him and stuff continued where we left off." I said.

"So you back with him?" Devante asked.

"I turned him down, I want him to respect my wishes and remain friends like I told him before.. I guess he feels some type of way about it! I am not about to give a guy another chance if they just gon see another chick behind my back I am tired of it if you gon be with me then be with me, don't cheat." I said.

"Yeah I feel you on that." Devante said.

"You seem surprised? Why?" I asked him.

"I wasn't expecting the answer that is all." Devante said.

"Okay." I said as I laughed.

"I got you something." Devante said changing the subject.

"You did? What is it?" I questioned as I laughed.

"Well I got to show you, come on." Devante said as he grabbed my hand leading the way.

I was trying to figure out what he gave me this girl was getting a lil excited and when I saw it was my parents I stopped where I was standing at that is when he turned around.

"Come on Skye." Devante said tugging my hand to come.

I started walking towards them as my heart began to race.

"Mom... Dad!" I said as they both gave me a hug.

It felt good to actually hug them its been so long.

"Justine you look so beautiful tonight." Mom said as I smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

"How did you get here?" I questioned.

"Well this is all Devante's idea he wanted to surprise you with this." Dad said as I smiled.

"Devante you didn't have to do that, really." I said.

"I know but I wanted to." Devante said as I smiled.

I gave him a hug thanking him.

"If you don't mind, I want to catch up with my parents I will see you later?" I suggested.

"Fasho, nice to meet you guys." Devante said.

"Nice to meet you too, thanks again!" Dad said.

"Thank you Devante." Mom said with a smile.

He smiled and looked at me one more time as he walked away, he didn't have to do that but it was really sweet for him to do this for me though.

He smiled and looked at me one more time as he walked away, he didn't have to do that but it was really sweet for him to do this for me though

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Next chapter is coming up

Build | Justine SkyeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora