Chapter One

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I was in my room listening to BTS when my stomach growled.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to see what she wanted. I had to go to the store for some items that I needed for dinner.

I went upstairs to put some different clothes on.

This is what you wear:

After I changed my clothes, I went and grabbed the list of stuff I needed from the store, my keys and my purse

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

After I changed my clothes, I went and grabbed the list of stuff I needed from the store, my keys and my purse.

I started heading to the store, I decided I would walk so I cam get my daily exercise.

When I got there, I walked in and grabbed a cart. I went to the meat isle to get some beef. When I got there, I saw someone that looked very familiar to me. It was Namjoon from BTS.

This is what he wore:

I went back to what I as doing while fan girling inside

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I went back to what I as doing while fan girling inside. I was so busy fan girling inside, I dropped the thing of beef. I bent down to pick it up, but then I saw another hand reaching down to pick it too. I straightened out and looked at who was picking it up. It was Namjoon.

"Here you go." He said, handing me the beef.

"T-Thank you so much." I responded, stuttering.

"No problem." He said, smiling.

"So what's your name?" He asked me.

"I-I'm Y/N." I introduced myself.

"I'm Namjoon but you can call me RM, nice to meet you Y/N." He said, stretching his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you too." I said, shaking his hand.

"Here, text me whenever you can." He said, handing me a piece of paper.

"Okay, will do." I said grabbing the paper.

"We'll I gotta go, again nice to meet you." He said walking away.

"Okay bye."

I can't believe I just met Namjoon of BTS. I finished fan girling, and continued shopping.

When I was done, I went home and put the food away.

After putting the food away, I decided to text Namjoon. I'll understand if he doesn't answer me because he is busy.

Y/N: Hey RM, it's Y/N

RM: Hey what's up??

Y/N: Nothing much just got home from shopping, what about you??

RM: Same, do you know who I was before I said my name??

Y/N: Yeah

RM: You know BTS??

Y/N: Yeah, I can't stop listening to your songs, I listen to them 24/7 basically

RM: Would you like to meet the other members some day??

Y/N: Only if I can

RM: You'll be able to meet them this Saturday at 2 pm, how does that sound to you, are you available??

Y/N: It sounds good I have nothing planned that day

RM: It's planned then, well I gtg because I have to do something

Y/N: Okay I understand

RM: Okay thank you for understanding Y/N

Y/N: No problem, well bye RM

RM: Bye Y/N

After texting Namjoon, I made myself dinner. When I finished eating, I went upstairs and did my night routine and went to bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Idol And His Fan // K.NJ Short story ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang