Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

Before she left she made her lightsaber fly to her hand which she had left the night before on her nightstand. She hurried, not wanting to be late and making Kylo, not just embarrassed but also angry.


"96...97...97," Kylo counted as he made Ree do push-ups and he wouldn't continue counting if her form wasn't correct, "97, 98...98... Come on, Ree!" Kylo yelled as Ree fought to do her 98th push up in a row.

"I-I c-can't." Ree stuttered while trying to not fall to the ground, knowing that if she gave up the punishment would be way worse than doing those last push-ups.

"Come on! 98...9-" Kylo was interrupted by the sound of the door to the training area opening. In walked General Hux with a displeased face. As Kylo's attention was grabbed from Ree she immediately fell to the ground, heaving to get air in her lungs.

"What are you doing here?" Kylo inquired with his arms folded over his chest. He seemed to be as tough without his mask as he was with it. Why he kept on wearing it while there was more than the two of them around still baffled her.

"I'm here to tell you-" Hux started but was interrupted by Ree's loud attempts of catching her breath. She had now rolled over to her back and had her arms over her head while Kylo stood unbothered next to her, "as I was saying..." Hux gathered himself and tried to ignore Ree's loud breaths. "...I'm here to tell you that you've been called in for an urgent mission." 

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Kylo cocked one of his brows. 

"Snoke didn't want to send a stormtrooper presuming that you would throw one of your tantrums." Hux taunted.

"You're one to talk," Kylo declared and Ree could see how hard Hux had to clench his jaws to not start yelling at Kylo. With a sharp inhale Hux composed himself.

"Well, if you could stop with your childish bickering, Ren, we could get on to the pressing matter. The shuttle will leave in 30, it's going to Mantooine. Our informants have told us about some rebels that are-" Hux was once again cut off by Ree's heavy breathing, "SHUT UP, YOU NOISY BITCH!" Hux screamed and making the mood in the room go from annoying bickering to outright war.

Ree immediately rose up from the floor, the exhaustion gone and replaced with adrenaline. Kylo puffed his chest while placing taking out the lightsaber from its hilt and igniting it. Ree copied his move. Two Commanders, red lightsabers beaming and the Force cursing through their veins against one snarky General.

"What did you say?" Kylo gritted through his teeth, he was in full out protective mode and Ree was no different. She had a displeased look on her face, not liking one bit that Hux raised his voice against her, told her to shut up and called her a female dog.

"Y-you heard me." Hux tried to look tough but his shaky voice was failing him. Kylo and Ree may have not known of Hux's knowledge about their relationship but at that moment, it was as clear as day that these two would kill for each other.

"I dare you to say-" Kylo started but Ree placed a calm hand on Kylo's shoulder which made him quiet.

"It's okay. I've got this, "Ree assured as she started moving slowly towards Hux who tried to look calm and steady by straightening up but the sound of the buzzing lightsaber coming closer made sweat slide down his neck.

"Now, Hux. Tell me, what did you just say?" Ree had a calm tone while she invaded his private space. They stared into the eyes of each other, challenging the other to look away.

"I told you to sh-" Hux began but he started to have a hard time getting his words out, "sh- shu-sh-" As Hux's face got bluer Kylo realised what Ree was doing. She had simply raised her free hand and started to force-choke the General. Must have been hard to be a douche when no oxygen entered your body, Ree figured.

As moments passed the General's cheeks face became bluer and his eyes bloodshot but the female Commander was showing no sign of giving up. "Ree," Kylo warned, as much as he wanted for Ree to just kill Hux right there he knew that Snoke wouldn't be pleased with that outcome. "Ree, you have to-" Kylo said and in the same moment she released her grip on Hux and he fell to his knees, gasping for air.

"I know," Ree sounded as she walked back to Kylo's side. "I'm in control." Kylo placed a protective arm around Ree's waist as Hux rose up from the ground. He was furious, his face was now as red as his hair.

"You will pay for this!" Hux cried as he pointed his finger at them and then stormed out of the training area. 

"Are you okay?" Kylo asked as he turned to face Ree. He cupped her cheeks and searched for anything in her eyes telling him of her state.

"Yeah, he's just jealous that I could do 100 push-ups and he can't even do one." They both chuckled.

"Speaking of, I don't think you completed those," Kylo eyed her suspiciously as he let go of Ree's cheeks and instead crossed his arms.

"I did!" Ree lied and tried to look convincing.

"When I get back, you're gonna have to do those last 3 push-ups."

"You really have to leave right now?" Ree placed her arms around his waist, hoping that it would keep him here.

"You heard the ginger. The shuttle is leaving in 30." Kylo placed a strand of Ree's hair behind her ear.

"Fine," she sighed, "and I'm sorry about this morning. I shouldn't have-" but she didn't get to finish as Kylo quieted her.

"Don't. It was my fault." Kylo placed a delicate kiss on Ree's forehead. "I should go now. Promise you'll be there when I get back?" Kylo asked and Ree smiled at the recitation of her words.

"I'll always be there, next to you." Ree mimicked Kylo's words from last night. As a last gesture, Kylo placed a kiss on her lips and then he left for his mission. Not knowing that it would be the last time he saw that hopeful girl filled with happiness.


Ree had added a black jacket to her outfit since it was so cold on the snow planet. She roamed around the Base, not having anything really to do. As she walked around she was met by several patrols of stormtroopers and one or two officers. Some nodded in respect, others just walked past her. The path she took led her to one of the bigger gathering places in Starkiller Base.

It usually was filled with people running in all directions, trying to get to where they were headed but not now. Instead, all the people who should be running around like crazy were all standing still, looking in the same direction, being dead quiet. They were all looking up at the stage used for making announcements but no one was talking. That voice inside of her, that she started to realize belonged to the Force, urged her to get closer to the stage.

There was no way Ree could see what was taking place upon the stag behind the huge crowd so she started making her way through the crowd. She pushed past the last person, making her stand directly in front of the stormtroopers guarding the stage, giving her a clear view of what all the workers were looking at.

On the stage was none other than General Hux. The very same person who Ree had almost force-chocked to death earlier that day. None of the fright he showed then was left, now it was back to the menacing General who showed no mercy. Behind him to his right was two stormtroopers holding a crying boy between them. The boy was looking down at his feet, hiding his face from the crowd. All she saw was his dark-skinned hands, orange overall and short black curls. One of the stormtroopers grabbed him by the neck and yanked his head up, forcing the boy to look at the crowd.

It was Tylan.

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