what will happened next?

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A/N:[this song was playing while i was writing enjoy] In this chapter Bakugo talks too so it will have cursing i will not write this note again because this is a TODOBAKU story!

Todoroki pov.

You may not know it but Iida is not what he shows at the class or anyone else , he is really chill and really good at jokes he is the only one i have opened up since i was four.

I knock at the door but not normally , i knock with my palm open then with a fist and then one more palm , that is so he can know that it's me alone .

i don't hear anything so i just open the door (yea we are those kind of friends) and i find one sleepy Iida in his bed with a book on his face.

I don't really want to wake him up but before i can leave someone knock the door so much that he is now on the way to the ground.

'' what happened '' Iida said looking at me '' it was not me , you know how i knock'' i said with a low tone as he looked at the door ''who can it be ...'' before i could say anything another loud knock was heard and Iida was in his way to the door to open it

Bakugo pov.

THAT IDIOT SHITY HAIR AND FUCKING PIKATSU ARE GOING TO DIE FOR MAKING ME GO TO FUCKING FOUR EYES TO GET THEIR ASSES FROM THE FUCKING WALL , LIKE WHO THE FUCK STACKS THEIR HEAD THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE ? I knock on the door once .... nothing and then i knock once more . I hear footsteps so i say angrily ''FUCKING FINALLY BOOK FOR BRA..... what the fuck ! half and half ? what the fuck are you doing here ? ''

'' I just ..'' he tries to talk but i cut him of  '' never mind , four eyes i need you to come with me ! FUCKING PIKATSU and SHITY HAIR STACK THEIR HEADS IN A WALL''

''what do you mean Bakugo-kun '' Iida said with a questionable look '' just come ok !''

although Bakugo said 'never mind' to Todoroki he was wondering what was he doing there . i mean four eyes was reading all the time at least that's what we knew .   

A/N: I am so sorry this chapter is so short and it's being so long since i upload the last one but i have more that i will upload tomorrow!

thank you for reading please enjoy my crappy writing and thank you for 24 readers and 2 votes , i can't believe  that i got 2 votes and please know that the 2 that voted are the reason i can continue this <3

special thanks to  @yatsuz i love your stories and the comment that you left at the last chapter was a real shocker for me ! <3 <3 <3 

Why Do You Hate Me &lt;3 Todobaku StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon