At the park

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Sheila's POV:

"What? why'd you ask me go come here?" I asked and Matt walked to me and held my hand "cause I miss you, and I didn't mean to hurt you like that and I'm sorry" he said "well Matt I missed you too and Part of me want to be mad at you and then there was the other part that didn't and I'm sorry but I don't want to date you, I just want to be friends,for now" I said and he nodded "so were cool?" He asked "does this answer you question?" I said and hugged him and he hugged me back I really missed his hugs and to be honest I didn't want to be just friends but I had to, then we pulled apart and we looked into each other's eyes and the moonlight made his eyes kinda sparkle it was cute and he started leaning in and so did I and his soft lips met mine and we kissed for 4 seconds and I pulled apart "Matt stop, I know you still like me and I still like you too but I just want to be friends for right now I'm sorry" I said "yea, I get it" he said and looked down at his feet and I kissed his cheek so he'd be a little happy "I got to get home before my mom sends Cameron to come get me" I said and he nodded and got on my penny board and waved by and I was about to push myself until Matt ran infront of me "Matt what are you doing? You know-" I got cut off by Matt kissing me and I kissed back cause BOY! I missed his kisses, his smell,his laugh and smile and we pulled apart "I love you sheila and I'll never stop loving you" he said into my eyes "I love you too Matt" I said and he pecked my lips and moved out of the way so I could leave and I waved bye and he smiled and waved back and I skated to my house which didn't take long and I entered through the door and I saw no lights on in the living room so I snuck to my room and I was about to turn the doorknob until someone said "what are you doing?" And I knew it was Cameron "I'm going to bed" I said "then why are you tiptoeing to bed?"{tip toeing in my Jordan's trying to gain time} He said "why are you always nosy?" I said and he glared at me "fine! Matt told me to meet him and the park and he said how he was sorry and then I forgave him there happy?" I said "yes cause you finally forgave him and talked to him" he said "yea yea ima go to sleep" I said and we both went to sleep

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