Vichael Forever

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Dalton's POV        

I wish I hadn't had an affair with Michael, I feel really sorry for Valley, when she walked in on me and Michael. I should probably stop having an affair with Michael. Valley needs him more, there's more boys out there anyway. Maybe I could hook up with another 5SOS boy? Luke? Ashton? 

"Dalton, I'm really sorry but-'' 

" I know, we're breaking up. But please get back with Valley. " I said.

Michaels POV

I stormed out of the house, still not believing I just had a full hour of sex with a.. 13 year old boy. I need Valley back in my life. I went back to Valley's house. I thought she would have been devastated, crying, but..No? she was laughing? Through all that she's been going through? It was probably a funny edit.

I knocked on the window because I knew her Grandma Ann would be somewhere in the house, she opened the curtain up and had a suprised look on her face

'' WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! " She mouthed so her Grandma wouldn't be suspicious.

She stepped out of the house and we opened the backdoor.

Hehe. I actually meant to say like backdoor, like the back door, ANYWAY


I sat down and talked to Valley about how I was extremely sorry for the Malton affair and how I shouldn't have done that, I knew that it was wrong.

She forgave me and we got up, but we saw her grandmother leaving the house. You know what that meant. ;) 

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