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"Heeey!" Alison says when we walk in to the coffee shop, she looks different. Her usual blonde hair is a dark shade of brown and her eyes looks sad, she tries to hide it but somehow her dark blue eyes shows it.

"Hi'" Harry says and unwraps the dark burgundy scarf around his neck.

We get out coffee and as all those other times we take a picture together before we go and sit by our table... always the same table. I try to push away the feeling that's something is wrong with the young girl behind the counter but it's hard, the feeling is there in the back of my mine though out the rest of the night.

I don't mention it to Harry, I keep quiet all during the time, throughout the drive home and when we say goodbye I still don't say anything.

So when I'm alone inside of my apartment I can't stop thinking about it, somehow she has become someone that I care about. It's a special thing that I have a hard time explaining.

But I see her almost every day and then she just becomes someone in your life.

Without thinking I decide that I need to see if she is okay, to make sure that she knows she isn't alone in this world... because I know the feeling of being feeling lonely in a room filled with people.

Being alone and feeling lonely is different... feeling lonely can get you killed, killed by the demons that live inside of your head.

I grab my car keys and get in to my car before driving in to the night. I know I probably should tell Harry about this, but I don't want to bother him when I don't know if I'm right.

When I step inside of the coffee shop there is no one else there. Alison is by the counter looking down on her iPhone not even looking up when I walk inside.

"Hey." I say quietly to her when I'm close enough, and when she looks up with tears in her eyes I know that the sadness I saw earlier was real.

"Come her darling." I say and open up my arms for a hug, she comes around the counter and accept it in a heartbeat.

"He's such a dick... Out of all the people he chose her." She mumbles with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Let's sit down and talk about it." I say and lead her to the table Harry and I always sit at.

Just when she is about to start talking the door opens and in steps a very familiar curly haired boy. He looks around the coffee shop and his eyes stops on us and a small smile appears on his face.

"Hi, I had a feeling that you didn't feel okay today so I wanted to check on you... seems like I'm not the only one." He says and drags a chair from another table over to where we sit.

"My boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend cheated on me." She says and another wave of tears comes flooding down her face.

"After five years together he decided I wasn't enough and he went and slept with my best friend... out of all the fucking people in the world." She cries out, she looks so small in the chair. I can't imagine what she is going through the betrayal she must feel.

"Oh honey... he wasn't the one, things will look up for you from now on." Harry says and I can't help but let my eyes rest on him, he talks about it so calmly like he knows every word to say.

"I know you don't want to hear this but you founding out is the best damn thing that could happen to you, now you have a chance to get away from that sorry excuse of a boyfriend to find someone who will appreciate you and only you." He says and leans over and takes her hand in both of his.

"I know how you feel, being cheated on isn't something you ever want to go though. But you will go on with your life find someone much better and the happiness you will be feeling then will be the best revenge." He says and look her straight in the eyes with a look that I can't explain.

I don't know what makes my heart break more, the fact that Alison had to go through that or that Harry seems to be talking from experience.

"You guys are so sweet to me, I didn't think anyone would even care." She says and a few more tears fall from her eyes, she is so young.

We stay until Alison feels like she's okay, sure she's still sad but honestly I didn't expect her to be happy when we left either.

"I like you hair by the way" I say when I hug her goodbye.

"Thank you." She says with a small smile. I know... I know the feeling of needing to put an end to an era. To do something to change from the person you once was.

Harry and I walk together out in the cold night.

"You want to share your thoughts?" I say and look over at him, he still looks beautiful with only the street lights lighting up his features.

"Before I went to the ski resort I found out my girlfriend at the time had been sleeping with other people when I was on tour." He avoids my eyes, I just need him to look at me...

I just need him to know that I could never do that to him... I want to voice it, but I can't. I can't get the words to leave my mouth, not when he isn't looking at me...

"Bye Louis." He says when we get to the cars, still not meeting my eyes... And just like that before I can say goodbye he is inside of his car.

I want to tell him to stay but I don't. I stand there looking at his car back out of the parking space.

The headlights blinds me for a split second, and then I'm left alone in the dark parking lot.


Aye can't you beautiful people head over to my instagram  and show my ugly ass som support?

My instagram is erikaanestedt 

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