Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven



The clock in the living room strikes six times. Slowly, I open my eyes, and see the white ceiling above. Sun shines through the all window room, and a beam streaks across my eyes.

I try to move, but Tris, lays topless, entwined in my legs. Her head leans on my naked chest, and her legs spread over mine.

I lift my head slightly and look out the all windowed wall. Outside, the pink orange sun rises in the east, poking through the towers of the Fence, and reflecting on the abandoned buildings of the city, creating ripples of sunlight on the glass.

The orange light shines on her pale, yet flawless skin, creating a beautiful masterpiece on her back. My hand travels to her back, and I gently trace down her spine with my fingers. Tris stirs quietly, but doesn't open her eyes.

The memories from last night flow through my brain. I smile, and bite my lip, trying to hide my embarrassment even though no one is watching.

I lead my hand up to the top of her spine and to the base of her neck, where I gently move her short blonde hair to the side.

Tris opens her eyes, revealing her blue ocean irises. A smile folds in her lips, and I caress her hair.

"Good morning, Tris." I whisper.

"Good morning," she says through her smile.

"You look absolutely beautiful today. I love your shirt," I say.

"Tobias," she chuckles. "I'm not wearing anything."

"Well, then I love it. I love you," I say and lean in, kissing the top of her nose and the side of her lips.

Her smile enlarges, but she pinches her lips together, trying to hide it. I can tell she bites her cheeks and her face turns a light shade of pink.

Moving her arms swiftly, she covers her breasts and pulls up the white sheets. I smile as I understand why, being grown in Abnegation, learning to never reveal those parts, since the image of them is somewhat self indulging.

"It's okay, Tris. We aren't in Abnegation anymore," I say, pulling the covers back down. She looks up at me, and presses her body against me. I kiss her lips, and her forehead.

Then I remove my arm and legs from around her body and stand up, only to find myself completely naked. Looking for my boxers, I realize they are on the other side of the room, hanging on the sofa chair in the corner.

Walking slowly, trying not to show my uncomfortableness like Tris did with covering herself, I retrieve my boxers and step into them. I remember Tris's clothes were in the living room, and I know Tris will be awkward getting them, so I leave the room, and retrieve her clothes.

"Thank you," she says. I look at her and nod slightly.

"Would you like some breakfast? It's our first morning in our new apartment so I thought we could maybe celebrate by making pancakes. One of our favorite Dauntless breakfasts." I offer. She nods silently and dresses. "I also have some eggs and orange juice if you want."

She shakes her head as she puts her hair into a small bun. "I'm fine with just the pancakes and water, if that's okay."

"No problem at all," I smile. I walk into the closet, and pull on some jeans that I unpacked two days ago. Then, I walk into the kitchen and prepare our meal.


Tris silently cuts her pancakes and bites them in small portions, whereas I shove giant pieces into my mouth. Not every Abnegation of me, but whatever. I am not Abnegation right now. Nor dauntless. Just Tobias.

I put down my fork and knife, and just stare at Tris. The way her muscles flex as she cuts through the pancake and lifts it up to her mouth, sends tingles down my spine.

I am madly in love with her. And I think it may be too much, but someone can never love too much.

I can tell this morning is awkward for her, especially after last night, which was only the second time we had slept together. She looks up from her plate and sets her utensils down.

"It is so hard to eat with: number one, you staring at me. And two, you shirtless." She says.

I laugh. Tris comes up with something funny to say every once and awhile.

"Well sorry, Tris. I just thought it would be appropriate after last night. To show you there is nothing to be ashamed of." I reply, hoping she gets the message not to be afraid to show her skin.

"We all have something to get over huh?" She smiles.

"Well we differently got over your sixth fear-" The ring of a phone cuts me off. I turn in my seat, eyeing the black telephone ringing on the kitchen bar. I run up to it, answering it with a click of a button.


"Tobias? Is this you?" A girly yet masculine voice asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"Great. It's your mother. The council of the Convergent would like to see you this morning." My heart sinks again. "Yes, I know you haven't made your decision yet, but they just want to talk to you."

"Mom, I really don't know. Tris and I were planning on going to Millennium Park today." I reply, trying to get out of it.

"We were?" Tris perks up from the table. I turn and glare at her. She smiles and returns to eating.

"Tobias, I understand you have family needs, but please. Just this once. I won't ever ask you again about the Convergent." Her words sink deep in my skull. I look at Tris one more time, and she smiles.

"Fine. Expect me there at 9." I hang up the phone and turn to Tris.

"The Convergent. They want to see me." I say.

She looks at me and nods. "I support any decision you make Tobias. We are together. I stand next to you wherever you stand. Just remember, it's your choice. Not theirs. This choice is entirely yours, and it can change you in the long run. Don't conform to people's wishes; stand for what you believe, and choose what you think is best for you." Tris is right. It's my choice, not theirs.

"Thank you." I run into the room, throw on a black v-neck, and my Dauntless jacket, then kiss Tris on the cheek. "I'll be back soon," I tell her as the elevator opens and I step in.

She looks at me and gives me a thumbs up. "Be brave," she yells to me.

The elevator doors shut.

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