15 | "we'll be here when you wake up"

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The police officers, paramedics, nurses, and the doctor said Miles was lucky

Lucky to have survived a car crash as fatal as the one he encountered. They didn't understand how he had managed to leave the site of the accident with just a broken right arm, a few stitches, and concussion. Miles couldn't help but agree with what the professionals were saying as they attended his case, sitting on the examining table in agony and pain.

He had woken up in the ambulance on his way to the hospital being hyper-aware of every little detail that had happened to have him be in the position he was in, not being able to go back to sleep. Miles shut his eyes as excruciating pain shot through head wishing he had been unconscious the whole ride to the hospital, instead of enduring the agony he was going through. His back felt heavy from the numbness of the anesthesia injection they had given earlier, allowing him not to feel the precise sutures the doctor pierced through his skin closing the ugly gash that Miles knew for sure would leave a scar. All while the nurse tended his swollen purple blue wrist, layering the fiberglass with equal precision, shaping what would become a black synthetic cast that Miles would have to flaunt around for the next six weeks, much to his dismay.

"And that is it, Mr. Alfonsi. You are lucky to have survived the accident with these minor injuries. The medicine we gave you earlier will cause drowsiness but will help ease a headache you have. As for your concussion, we're are going to take an MRI whenever you're ready, and you are to stay overnight so we can monitor your concussion. Any --"


Before Miles had the ability to reply no, he heard a very familiar voice of his Nonna and another from his dad trying to shoosh her following a stampede of what he knew for sure was the rest of his family.

"Shit" Miles hissed lowly under his breath, his headache growing by the second.

"You know them."

"Unfortunately." He groaned, not daring to look at the door as his family stepped in. Miles knew he was about to get a mean lecture from his Nonna.

"EMILIO! I TOLD YOU NOT GO OUT TODAY!" Nonna yelled as she smacked Miles across the back of his head.



Miles and his dad yelled both at the same time.

"Ma'am, I refrain you hitting him anywhere especially since Mr. Alfonsi has a concussion, we wouldn't want it to get worse and result in something serious." The doctor replied simply as if this wasn't the first time he had experienced this.

"I don't care if he has a concussion, he should have listened to me when I called, but noooo him and his Nonno want to mock me and say I worry too much." Miles grandmother spat as her son tried to calm her down.

There was commotion all around him, and it didn't seem to stop even as they all made their way down to the room he had be staying in for the night. Miles was tired, exhausted, and was slowing starting to become irritated with all the unnecessary noise that surrounded him, but he wouldn't change a thing. Miles wasn't always this lucky when it came to family, his first seven years of his life consisted of him moving from one foster home to the next, but he was thankful for it. Without the small struggles, the little bumps in the road he wouldn't be here with this crazy, chaotic, but loving family.

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" Miles mom sat next to him on the hospital bed, caressing his cheek as he rested his head on the pillow, feeling in heaven.

"Hi, Momma. I'm f..f..fine." Miles yawned the effects of the medicine kicking in.

"Why don't you rest for a bit."

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