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"You're being totally stupid, you know that?"

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"You're being totally stupid, you know that?"

Alexis Hummel wasn't planning on having this conversation today. The conversation that could change her high school life forever, and give her a better social status than she had ever had before.

"Lexi, hear me out!" her best friend, Santana Lopez, ran behind her.

"Santana, you're my best friend and you know that, but there is no way I'm joining your little group of satanists. One of you is bad enough." She growled, "I'm not joining the Cheerios- period."

Santana grabbed her wrist, annoyed by her best friends ignorance, "I'm trying to help you Lex! I'm just saying- if you were a cheerio, nobody would pick on you."

"Nobody picks on me anyway" Lex shrugged.

"That's not what I'm saying!"

She slammed the locker in Santana's face, "Well that's what I'm saying. End of story. He terminado con esta conversación."

"no te alejes de mi, Lex!"

It was too late, Alexis had already stormed away from her, calculus text book in hand.

"chupala, Santana!"


"Mr Schue, why are all of our trophies in the middle of the room?"

"Are you trying to make me feel small, Will? because it's working" Lex frowned, ignoring Tina and walking up to the trophies, "I know I look like an 8th grader, but I promise I'm not."

Brittany tilted her head in confusion, "I was sure our nationals trophy, or Alexis, would grow over summer."

"I want this image burned into your mind" Will sighed, "this is the difference between first-" he pointed to the trophy that stood beside Alexis, before picking up the nationals trophy, "and twelfth looks like. And feels like."

Puck scoffed at him as the others took their seats, "Are you planning on bumming us out all year long?"

"No." Will sighed, furrowing his eyebrows, "I plan on pushing you harder than you've ever been pushed. This year, I'm not gonna let anything- or anyone- stop us from winning at all. I let you down last year. I lost focus, let some Broadway pipe dream get in the way."

"And we're really sorry that they guy who replaced you in April Rhodes' musical won the Tony. I mean, I can only imagine your regret"

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