{Chapter Nine} Don't

Start from the beginning

And she did not look happy.

She quickly threw open the door and climbed out, not even looking at me, as she ordered, "Get in the car." She slammed the door behind herself and stood in front of the boys, anger radiating from her features. I climbed in her car and closed the door behind me.

"You know, that was very dang-" One of the men was about to come up with a snarky comment, but stopped when he looked into her eyes. He just stopped. Not stopped talking. Just stopped in general. He stood still, fear completely taking over his features. She had her back to me, so I couldn't see her face, but I imagined it to be scary.

Then, just as quickly as she'd gotten out of the car, she got back in. She slammed the door behind her and instantly accelerated the car. It shot forwards, yet stopped merely inches away from the boys that had been harassing me seconds ago. All of them panicked, stumbling backwards and falling over.

I looked over to her. She was gripping the steering wheel tightly with both hands, her face hard and cold. Extremely tense and angry. It wasn't directed at me, though.

She put the car into reverse and drove backwards, before suddenly turning the wheel and doing a smooth 180'. My jaw dropped, as she drove away from the area. How did she know where I was? Had she followed me?

I stared at her. Her hair was sticking to her face, due to the frustrated sweat that was covering it. Her skin looked even more paler than usual and her eyes were a much darker shade of green. Her jaw was clenched... tense.

"I should go back there and rip those guys' heads off." She told me, through gritted teeth. I didn't doubt for a second that she could. She was so angry. Furious in every sense of the word.

"Uh... no, you shouldn't." I told her, leaning back against the corner of the seat and the door. She was driving so fast, but she driving so well. She was in complete control.

"You don't know the vile, impulsive things they were thinking." She spat, staring hard at the road, but not really paying attention to it. She was so angry. I'd never seen anyone that mad before. Wait, how did she know what they were thinking?

"And you do?" I asked, now curious. Her face changed a little, but the anger was still there. She knew she'd said something she shouldn't have.

"It's not hard to guess." She lied. I looked at the steering wheel, seeing her grip still just as tight. If I didn't stop her, she was going to go back there and kill them. Literally. I knew she was lying. I could sense it. I sighed, looking ahead. "Can you talk about something else?" She was practically yelling at this point, clearly stressed out and agitated. "Distract me, so I won't turn around."

"...You should put your seatbelt on!" I ordered, seeing it not fastened. It was the first thing I could think of, considering she was driving way too fast, down a very small road. She seemed to find this humorous, letting out a sarcastic laugh.

"You put your seatbelt on." She fired back, her grip still tight. The drive was short. I told her that I needed to meet Demi and Bea.

- - - / - - - / - - - / - - - / - - -

When we arrived at the restaurant, Bea and Demi were just leaving. They saw me exit Lauren's car and instantly came over.

"Hey, you guys, I'm sorry. I just-" I was cut off by Demi. She sounded worried. Really worried. She had every right to be. I wasn't about to tell them what happened, though.

"Where were you? We left you messages." Demi explained, using her hands for effect. I could tell by her face that she had been worried about me. Bea too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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