Chapter Thirty-Seven: Its Over

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I decided it would be better to die then to turn into a villain. I don't care if it's the wrong decision, I can't handle crushing my dreams. Being a hero is all I ever wanted. I can't just do a 180 and become what I despise. I can't be a villain. I wandered through the town, deciding it would be best if I just jumped. Don't get me wrong, all I want to do is see my friends and the love of my life, but then I'd be tempted to live. I can't be a villain.

After an excruciating couple of hours, I headed towards the cliff. This particular one looked over Fugurachi Beach, the exact beach where All Might gave me his quirk. That day was full of hope, hope of finally achieving my dream, hope of making friends, hope for the future. Who knew it would be snatched in such a way. I truly hate life's curveballs. What did I ever do to deserve this? I approached the edge and stared at the glistening water below. I let out another scream, I guess this is it.

I always hoped I'd die in an epic way, a heroic way. I'd fight the most powerful villain and save everyone but end up dying myself. I'd die a hero, one that did his job correctly. Who knew I would die by committing suicide. At least I'm still a hero. At least I still have my dream. I felt something wet land on my check, I looked up to see if it was raining. It wasn't, I guess I'm just a crybaby.

I looked at the scene before me; it was fucking beautiful. The sun had started to rise, shining it's rays on the beautiful blue ocean, turning into liquid gold. The water glistened as the waves crashed on the warm sand. A refreshing breeze blew my green locks, stinging the spots that were clear of hair. I'm about to ruin the beauty of the morning. I'm about the taint the gold ocean with red. It's fucking over.


The tears started flowing down my cheeks, why is he here? This is a mistake, I shouldn't turn around, I shouldn't run into his arms, I shouldn't. I don't want to hurt him. But I did. I ran faster than I ever have, right into his arms. Biggest mistake.

"K-Katsuki..." I choked through my tears.

"I'm right here, don't cry."

     We sent the next couple of minutes like this, me crying onto his shoulder, and him comforting me. He was whispering sweet nothings into my ear, tracing random shapes on my back, holding me as close as he can, telling me he loves me. God damn this idiot! Why is he so caring?

"Midoriya, what were you just about to do?" I heard a panicked voice asked. I looked up to see Todoroki. I smiled to myself, I have such good friends.

"I can't tell you." I whispered. "They'll kill you."

"Izu, please tell us." Ka-Chan urged.

"I-I can't. They'll kill you!" I tried to reason with them.

"We don't fucking care!" Todoroki-Kun suddenly yelled, "We will deal with it when the time comes."

     So, I told them everything, from finding my mom dead on the floor, to the stupid offer, and how pretty the beach looked when I first saw it. Throughout the entire explanation, I took in how exhausted they looked. They were covered in burns and Todoroki was also blue, they both were covered in sweat and a little out of breath. Were they looking for me the entire night? "Were you guys looking for me all night?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course we did. You're my boyfriend." Ka-Chan stated.

"And you are pretty much my best friend, well you are my best friend."
Todoroki-Kun added.

Can You Save Me? [Complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora