The black and crimson streaked hedgehog looked over at what she was talking about and said "It looks like that bear was no match for it."

The Sakura colored hedgehog had a puzzled look on her peach muzzle and asked "And?"

"If I hadn't of been near by, you would've easily gotten beat." The ebony hedgehog stated.

"Look, I had it under control." The pinkette explained as she picked up her things.

The black and crimson streaked hedgehog walked over to her and said "Not from where I was standing."

The cherry pink hedgehog had an arched brow and responded "Who do you think you are?"

"I think I just saved your life." The ebony hedgehog answered as he waited for an answer.

"Thank you," The pink hedgehog answered "but I can take care of myself."

The black and crimson streaked hedgehog saw what she was doing and stated. "Here."

"What are you doing?" The Sakura colored hedgehog asked as she went over to pick up the destroyed hammer off the floor.

"When that animal attacked, I saw that you dropped your things." The ebony hedgehog explained.

Emerald green eyes looked over at him and said "I appreciate it, thank you."

"You're welcome." The black and crimson streaked hedgehog stated.

"We need to get going it's getting late." The pink hedgehog answered.

The ebony hedgehog knew that although the Sakura colored hedgehog was smaller than him; she knew how to defend herself, when it was needed. After they had gotten everything off of the forest floor; the two hedgehogs walked towards the city and while doing this, the cherry pink hedgehogs ears perked up to


Emerald green eyes looked over at him and said "Yes?"

"Here." The black and crimson streaked hedgehog explained as he handed her a piece of paper.

"W-what is this?" The pinkette asked with an arched brow.

The ebony hedgehog had a serious look in his crimson eyes and answered "I want you to have my number."

The pink hedgehog took the paper from him and asked "What why?"

"I'll explain later but if anything were to happen; you can be sure that you'll get help."

"I will I promise." The pink hedgehog responded as she stayed next to him.

While the two hedgehogs did this, the black and crimson streaked hedgehog knew that even though the Sakura colored hedgehog was smaller than him; she could defend herself when it was needed.

It was about ten o' clock in the evening, when they had arrived to the place where pinkette lived; the cherry pink hedgehog had a concerned look on her peach muzzle as she and Shadow were standing in front of the house.

The ebony hedgehog put his hand on her shoulder and asked "Are you alright?"

"Yes..." The pink hedgehog stated as she looked over at the floor.

The black and crimson streaked hedgehogs eyes were filled with concern and said "No, you're not."

"With what happened in the woods, I don't want to be alone." The cherry pink hedgehog responded.

"I understand," The ebony hedgehog said "but you have my number if you need anything."

The Sakura colored hedgehog couldn't help but have a smile on her face and answered "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you-"

"Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog." The black and crimson streaked hedgehog stated as he looked over at her.

"Amy, Amy Rose." The pinkette said as she as looked over at him.

After the two hedgehogs had said their goodnight to each other. The pink hedgehog shut the door as she walked inside the house; while the black and crimson streaked hedgehog went to where he lived.

-The next morning-

The cherry pink hedgehog was in the middle of making breakfast; as she picked up the plate off the countertop and a sharp pain struck her hand.

'Ow!' The Sakura colored hedgehog thought as she whimpered.

Just as that had happened, she saw there was nothing wrong with her hand and thought that it wasn't anything to worry about. While doing this; the pinkette saw that her parents had walked over to where she was located.

"Amy." Her father stated "we need to talk."

A puzzled look appeared on the pink hedgehogs muzzle and asked "What about?"

"You're aware that you're seventeenth birthday is in a few months correct?" Said her mother.

"Yeah, why?" The cherry pink hedgehog asked as she waited for an answer.

The two older hedgehogs shared a look with each other and responded "Well, there's something important that we have to tell you."

Emerald green eyes looked over at them and stated "I understand that I'm going to be a year older."

"Yes, but we're not talking about that." The middle aged female hedgehog said.


"Pardon for the interruption father," The Sakura colored hedgehog explained "but I have to get going or I'll be late."

"Alright, but please be safe." Her father answered as he looked over at her.

The pink hedgehog picked up her things, walked over to the door, opened it to leave and responded "I will."

After closing the door and getting into her car; the pinkette pulled out the driveway, and went to where the destination was located. Meanwhile inside the house, the middle aged hedgehog looked over at her husband and asked

"Are you sure she's going to be ready?"

The male hedgehog put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and stated "Yes, but we'll tell her when the time is correct."
A/N: What's going to happen in the next chapter? Stay tuned and find out my lovely readers. Don't forget to comment and vote. Hope you enjoyed!

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