Chapter 8: Dinner with the Greys pt.1

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I ring the doorbell while we stood in front of their door waiting. I flash mom a glance and she gives me one more stern look reminding me of our talk at home. After a while we heard shuffling then the door opened. The bright light welcomed us and so does a woman, "hello Alice" a tall lady with blonde hair and blue eyes in her late 30's answered the door with a smile.

I look to my mom who was smiling, "Hi Jane. Thank you so much for inviting us for dinner. I brought some of my Marconi casserole!" She extends the dish.

The lady named Jane replies, "Fantastic! Come in, come in" she motions for us to step in and closes the door behind us. We stood at the door not really sure were to go. I decide to let my eyes wander around.

The house looks rich but cozy. Its looked like your usual family home with pictures along the walls, a wooden staircase in front leading upstairs. To my left was a living room with a big TV. Behind that the kitchen doors and dining room besides it.

"You must be Avery! I've heard a lot about you!" At the sound of my name, I turned to Jane who was extending a hand.

I gave a half smile, "thanks! I am" I replied coolly.

Jane motioned us to the living room to get comfortable while she finishes the final preparations. Jane takes the dish to the kitchen and mom follows as they talked. Glancing over her shoulder, Jane asks if I would go upstairs and get her kids down.

I reluctantly obliged.

I don't even know the house, let alone where her children are. This is exactly why I don't come to things like this. I could have been home enjoying the warmth of my bed with my mini donuts as I watch TV but no I am here at his house trying to act like a civilized neighbor because of my mom.

I check my phone to see the time was 6 o'clock. I slip my phone back into my pocket. Chelsea said there was a party today at some jocks house. I am hoping to get this thing over with so I can head out when mom goes to sleep.

I walk to the end of the hall and saw a door creaked a little. That must be someone's room so I walk to the end and knocked.

"Uh, your mom said you have to come down for dinner" I said but no one answered.

Taking it upon myself to complete my mission, I push open the door to see if someone was even in there. It looked like a guy's room then it clicked!

This is Chase's room.

I couldn't run fast enough. As I was about to turn around and dash out of there, the bathroom door opens up and out comes Chase in a towel wrapped lowly around his waist.

He was looking behind him to close the door but when he turned around his eyes widened. My eyes widened as well.

Why did I walk in?

I then realized that Chase is in a towel and is dripping wet from his hair onto his golden tan chest, that held perfectly sculpted abs. My eyes couldn't help but wander down his solid body, all the way down to the carving of his v-line straight to the one place I'd hit one too many times. His eyes un-widened and a smirk stretches on his lips.

"Done checking me out?"

My eyes widened more if possible but I hid it, as well as the blush I could feel creeping to my cheeks. "I wasn't." I defended, feeling hot.

He nods smugly, "sure..." his tone sarcastic.

My eyes narrow and I turned around, blocking the image of his naked body out of my mind. "Shut up! Your mom told me to call you for dinner." I said not sparing him a glance and started walking away when I felt a soft wet hand touch my arm.

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