"That explains why you were so upset the other day" he looks to me "in the parking lot" like he's trying to refresh my memory when I remember all too clearly

The anger the pain the weight of it, the darkness with an icy edge that time. I involuntarily shiver.

He stops walking as I turn to him. Looking around us before focusing back on me

"He never attended Sophia's funeral, as far as I know he has never visited her grave" he reveals his eyes softening confusing me even more

"Why not" I ask as my emotion plummet

"His father denied him a lot of things, not being able to mourn the death of his own mother tops the long list in my eyes" he states

I advert my eyes to the ground as I feel my heart break for him. The feelings of losing my grandmother coming back reminding me how hard it was ... but James and I had the chance to mourn and we did it together, and I guess she passed peacefully.

"We have all lost Someone one way or another it's a fact of life" he says softly making me look back to him

"But the car was just... I think in the boys head it had represented something much deeper" he says placing his hands in his pockets

"Like what? I don't understand if it was his mother's car why would he want to destroy it?"

He releases a breath as he looks around us again

"He loved that car, he would drive it like no tomorrow, I always wondered how he never wrapped himself around a tree the way he pushed that thing" he says looking to the ground as he smiles

"He and alpha Reynolds use to drag those things through the Forrest as if they were invincible" he chuckles

"No way would I allow Samuel to ride with them" his eyes sparkle as he spoke

He sighs again as I watch him in deep thought not being able to bring myself to say anything, I wouldn't know what to say

"The day alpha sanders left this pack leaving the boy badly hurt is the day he stopped driving it" he says meeting my eyes

"I don't know what exactly happened that day Luna, I don't think anyone does but him" he says softly

I nod my head taking in the information

"Look after him Mia" he says taking a step away from me

"Thanks Sean" I smile

"Anytime" he nods as he than turns and continues to walk away

I begin to walk thinking about him, I see Jason's house as I watch it coming closer with every step, the feeling of the need for Ethan getting stronger by the second.

My legs move past the house continuing up the road twisting the ring around my finger. I head inside opening the door glancing at the cracks along the wall. A big part of me hoping he would be here but the place is empty, the same way I feel right now.

I push open the patio doors and take a seat on the chair. My eyes go straight to the dark cloud of smoke off into the distance as the colour of it is fading.

My thoughts jumping from everything going on around me. I look back up to see the smoke is almost gone the evidence of it disappearing from the sky.

I go to stand before quickly looking behind me to see Ethan there watching me. It's the very first time I sensed him.

"Hey" he says guarded

I give him a small smile feels like forever since I have seen him

"We need to talk" I ask knowing I just want him to stay and there's so much I need to say

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