At the room Naina Ji showed the medications and the description when to give and other details. Also her routine for daily to follow. Mehak give her medication for after lunch and she helped Karuna maa to take a nap first. As Karuna maa slept, Naina Ji continued to brief when the hospital appointments is and what physiotherapy to follow Mehak made a note and nodded as she understand. Mehak came out from the room and saw Sonal Nehal and Mohit playing some games with Shaurya at the garden. She peeped from inside and tried to see what they are doing. She tried to eavesdrop to their conversation but interrupted by Kanta chachi asking what are you doing here come with me I need to talk to you. They went to quiet corner and sat down. Kanta chachi started see Mehak taking care of Karuna Ji is quiet a big responsibility are you sure you can handle this. Also if you are going to stay here you will be seeing Shaurya often and even just now for a small matter you two like about to burst into arguments are you sure you are okay with this. Mehak holds her hands and said chachi yes I am a person who is afraid of any small situations and run away when I can't handle any situation. Yes I run away from home when I was afraid seeing the arguments both families going through and I don't want any harm so I decided to leave. Now I am here not for anyone or not with any hidden motive I have a lost my parents earlier and I don't want someone else lose their mother too. For me Karuna maa has given so much love and care. Now she is in this condition in wheelchair and paralyzed in a way I feel our family is responsible for her condition as dadaji and chachu didn't think before do something and she was in this condition. I will help as much as possible for her recovery and she should be able to be as herself as usual that's all I want. How about Shaurya chachi asked earnestly. Mehak looked at chachi her eyes glistened hearing that question. What about Shaurya chachi? Why are you asking this question? Okay you are staying here to help Karuna Ji to recover but Shaurya is here what your take on him is. Mehak stumbled and said chachi I think its better we don't talk about this anymore let's focus on recovering maa it's more important than anything. Mehak ends the conversation and ask chachi lets join the others at the living area.

Sonal went back with Mohit and takes her things and Mehak's things to accompany Mehak at Khanna mansion. After finish dinner Mehak give the necessary medicines to Karuna maa put her to bed. Naina Ji left on the evening to Pune. Dolly maasi was still cold towards her. Shaurya offered him room to Sonal and Mehak but Mehak quickly denies it saying they will stay at the guest room together. Her coldness towards him irks him but he needs to make his move slow or else his experience at cottage is a lesson to learn. Back at their room Sonal freshen up and change to pyjamas and Mehak came out from bathroom, she give her a puzzle look. Mehak looked at her and raise her eyebrow. Sonal started yaar I really don't get you, okay we didn't ask you where you were and what were you doing and all? At least we are childhood best friends and now your sister in law you could share with me right? Mehak put her comb back and sat on the bed, there is nothing good to share Sonal. My life is not the same anymore. Sonal went near her, what is not same anymore , I am still the same and everyone at home are still the same and please share with me I can help you, trust me Mehak keeping things inside your heart and mind doesn't do much. Mehak feel she is right and slowly she opens up, how she left the house and took a bus and unknown destination ends up at Manali. How she met with Anu di and her family. She explain about her life at the past 11months where she works and Adi. Sonal exclaimed this much happen and you didn't thought about calling me at least once, why I become stranger to you is it? Mehak holds her hand in assurance is not like that Sonal , I am the one full of mess , ever since my marriage topic started its always made everyone uneasy. Even after I married things were not as smooth for all, since I am the cause I decided to leave. But do you know what happen after you leave Sonal asked? Mehak gave a questionable look, what happen? After you left for almost 1 week none of us went out of house and all sat in each corner wondering what happen to you. Daduji and Ravi chachu pull back the report they made against Shaurya and his family. Shaurya came here to see you and he was devastated when he saw the letter and the things you left for him. PD fell very sick as she was missing you badly. Chachus didn't do the food truck business too and family didn't have fund for her treatment. On top of this Dadaji also sick. It was real chaotic situation. We all decided to pawn our jewelries for their treatments and that was the time Shaurya came to hospital and paid all the bills. He asked forgiveness to each and every one at home. He said if Mehak is around she will never let you all go through such situation I am her husband if she is your daughter then I am also your son right? Why you all didn't tell me when things are not right and ask for my help. He manage to convince all especially PD and Kanta chachi if Mehak comes home and see you all are sick and not fit she will be upset for her sake you all must be always happy and be healthy. Always have a hope that she will come home one day I will search for her and bring her back he promise us. Hearing this tears started to well up in Mehak's eyes. Ravi chachu accepted that all did mistakes and he is not damad but he is our son now and from there Shaurya was there all the time. Never a day he neglected us. He fulfilled all the responsibilities like how you will handle if you are around. With his busy hectic work schedules he will come once a week to visit us and spend a day with us. He convince Chachus to run the mobile food track saying its Mehak's dream and it shouldn't be closed like this and he finds a good area help to do some advertising for business. Like your brother Mohit he was totally useless, Nehal also dropped out of college. He talked all three of us and find out what was our dream and our capabilities. Now your brother studying part time business management and he is working at firm known to Shaurya's friend. Shaurya paid for his studies. Nehal now started her fashion designing courses and Shaurya has paid all the course fees. For me he get me a job as restaurant manager for one of his restaurant. This almost 1 year you were not around but he never made us sad or neglect us but he took care each and everyone's needs like how a son will do.

Listening to all Sonal's explanation Mehak felt a tremendous jolt in her heart. She couldn't believe what happened to her family in the past. Her mind and heart raced in many directions. She realize it's getting late and lay her head on the pillow facing the other side and Sonal was still blabbering, listen Mehak I am telling you all these things not to hurt you or anything I saw you, you are still not okay with Shaurya give him a chance he is not a bad guy and everyone does mistake and he acted harshly with you when Karuna maa was unconscious. You are intelligent and wise to make the right decision. So think properly. Good night she wished her and tucking herself with the duvet. At the other side Mehak was sleepless hearing all these and her last words about Shaurya, several hours passed and her eyes gets heavier and she fell asleep.

On the other side, Shaurya felt bliss of happiness as his life is back to this house although both are not in terms but he is excited that he will be seeing her in the morning after he wakes up and hoping that things will be fine for both. He slept as well thinking about the upcoming good days in his life which he always dreamt about it.

Ankahee Ansunee Bateein Meri Dil Ki (Untold unheard words of my heart)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora