Alexander Being BF Goals

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This is what I do on my weekends.

This is more of a JL Fanclub thing but it revolves more around Alexander so I didn't think it would be a good idea to put it there. I didn't want this to get lost on my notes either tho, so now you'll have to suffer through a list of every time Alexander was a good boyfriend to John

(Or just click out but that doesn't sound dramatic)

Anyway, uh, ~here's the list~


•"But both for your country's sake and for my own I wish the enemy may be gone from Georgia before you arrive and that you may be obliged to return and share the fortunes of your old friends." [April, 1779]

•"I wish ardently to hear of your success." [May 22, 1779]

•"I mention this matter to you, my Dr., because your good father whom I venerate is in this instance on the wrong side. I know he acts from system and follows his own judgment, but I know also he sets a proper value on yours, aided by the affection of a father. This is a delicate subject. I say no more." [May 22, 1779]

•"Let me know fully Yr. Southern affairs. They are interesting and critical. You are judicious and impartial. God bless you." [May 22, 1779]

•"I think your black scheme would be the best resource the situation of your country will admit. I wish its success, but my hopes are very feeble." [September 11, 1779]

•"Pray let me hear from you frequently, and deal a little in military details, as you expect the same from me." [September 11, 1779]


•"I have strongly sollicited leave to go to the Southward. It could not be refused; but arguments have been used to dissuade me from it, which however little weight they may have had in my judgment gave law to my feelings. I am chagrined and unhappy but I submit. In short Laurens I am disgusted with every thing in this world but yourself and very few more honest fellows" [January 8, 1780]

•"Adieu my Dear; I am sure you will exert yourself to save your country; but do not unnecessarily risk one of its most valuable sons. Take as much care of yourself as you ought for the public sake and for the sake of
Yr. affectionate
A. Hamilton" [March 30, 1780]

•"I have talked to the General about your exchange; but the rigid rules of impartiality oppose our wishes. I am the only one in the family who think you can be exchanged with any propriety, on the score of your relation to the Commander in Chief." [June 30, 1780]

•"I have still a part for the public and another for you; so your impatience to have me married is misplaced; a strange cure by the way, as if after matrimony I was to be less devoted than I am now." [September 16, 1780]

•"I wish you were at liberty to transgress the bounds of Pensylvania." [September 16, 1780]

•"My Mistress is a good girl, and already loves you because I have told her you are a clever fellow and my friend; but mind, she loves you a l'americaine not a la françoise." [September 16, 1780]

•"I congratulate you my friend on our happy escape from the mischiefs with which this treason was big. It is a new comment on the value of an honest man; and if it were possible, would endear you to me more than ever." [October 11, 1780]


•"Adieu my beloved friend. Do justice to my regard for you. Assure yourself that it is impossible more ardently to wish for your health safety pleasure and success than I do. God send you speedily back to us." [February 4, 1781]

•"I have sincerely told you My Dear Laurens that I was happy the commission has been entrusted to you. I have implicit confidence in your talents and integrity; but in the frankness of friendship allow me to suggest to you one apprehension. It is of the honest warmth of your temper." [February 4, 1781]


•"It requires all the virtue and all the abilities of the Country. Quit your sword my friend, put on the toga, come to Congress. We know each others sentiments, our views are the same: we have fought side by side to make America free, let us hand in hand struggle to make her happy." [August 15, 1782]

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