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Long ago in a galaxy....okay sorry cliché bullshit. I know that can get really annoying after awhile. Like bruh we get this takes place in another galaxy and it's long ago, I mean we've already heard it in the past hundred movies so like—you know what? Ignore me. I'm totally distracting the story so like aha just bypass this paragraph and go ahead and skip into the next....still here?! BRUH STOP READING! I SAID SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH!

Okay Hey, what's up my dear readers? Now gather around please because this story is a one of a kind, the story that has taken place between the Last Jedi age and the...9th episode? It's not out yet so don't judge me! K? Thank you. After reading back my paragraph I'm shook at how horrible it sounds but I'm too lazy to change it so please bare with me and follow along and pretend like it was so enticing you are like now hooked into the story, okay?

Now long ago in another galaxy, a long forgotten story that had been untold for years and years. A true love story of two young men of the opposite sides who fall helplessly in love with another before they had even met.

One man was bold and strong yet gentle and fairly intelligent while the other was Dark, violent, frightened and shockingly lost in a world he thought was to be his one calling—his calling as heir Supreme Leader of the First Order.

As a child the one lost boy found himself being kidnapped by the Imperial command from his small village on his home planet Corellia. That day was the worst day of the boy's life. Too be snatched on his 10th birthday, from his two loving parents and three dear sisters whom loved him so though they fought endlessly in saving him.

The reasons for his kidnapping was so that the New First Order could have a bigger army.

Throughout the rest of his miserable life, he was forced to comply with the enemy and from their he was trained ruthlessly on a daily from the age of eleven to seventeen—but then on his eighteenth birthday the boy picked up on this strange heavy feeling deep within his gut. He only once noticed it when he was was almost like some invisible force (no seriously, it was a legit force!) that pulled at his heart causing him to feel in a way that he couldn't quite explain to even himself but little did he know one man knew very well about that force. That happened to be the Supreme Leader's favored apprentice and commander, Kylo Ren.

The day after his discovery of his newly found foreign feeling, the young boy paced the halls of his chambers; and tried figuring out what the hell that feeling was.

The knowing of not knowing about it bugged him to the extreme. He needed to know now! If not he'd fucking go crazy which would really suck because after so many years proving himself strong and worthy and getting ranked in the highest division by his commander it would all go to waste, all his hard work! Everything! He needed to know, for God's sake! WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH-

"It is the force, young one." Came a low familiar voice from the open doorway of the boy's decently sized room.

The boy stopped in his tracks and lifted his confused gold sparkling orbs to the young
dark commander who stood before him. "Sir?"

"The force, what I and our supreme leader have been gifted with. You share that gift as well, Zayn." He stated creepingly hushed tone, Zayn was almost terrified by it. I mean he'd always been terrified of Commamder Ren but for some reason he was even beyond terrified—wait did he mention the force?

Zayn hadn't heard of the force since he was just a tot. The force was part of his favorite nightly bedtime stories as a child back before he had been kidnapped.

He remembered how his parents spoke of the Jedi's who were like the kings of the force. Only few were gifted with such an ability but those few were chosen, it was no coincidental gift. There was reason as to why the force would choose you. Then becoming a Jedi was a whole different demand of the universe. Those with the force had the chance to work their way up to become one but after the extinction of the Jedis, no one was able to train their abilities to that point. That all led to the fall.

For Zayn the Jedi story was a mystery and he knew he wouldn't ever have the chance to really look into it, even if he wanted too. He wouldn't have the control he'd want on it either. Honestly Zayn thought the force was a complete myth type of thing but despite him witnessing Ren using his ability countless times but he simply would shrug it off. Why? Well (I can't think up a better way to explain soooo....) he just did.

The young boy never expected to gain such a power in his entire life. There was nothing ever special about him except the fact that he was kidnapped just after the Imperial Command switched into the First Order. Other than that, as far as he could remember, he had a normal childhood. His parents seemed completely normal and his sisters were also just as normal. Why was he the only one gifted?

Yet again aside from all that, Zayn knew for a fact his power wasn't safe. No, they wouldn't allow him to keep it to himself. They'd take it over and force him to use the force as they wished him too, like a weapon. Like how Snok did with Kylo. He'd have absolutely no choice at all and hiding it was definitely not option especially now since his commander sensed it.

"Force?" Zayn questioned, straightening his posture as the taller broad suited man approached him.

"Yes the force." His commander answered taking place over him as if to remind Zayn his lower rank. "Come, let me be your teacher, young one."

He had no choice, he had to accept.

And so, from then on Zayn became Ren's one secret special student whom he teached for about two years until Snok's death, then Ren named him sole heir to the seat of the Supreme Leader and before his time of ruling, Zayn was made Kylo's apprentice. Just like how Kylo was with the former Supreme Leader.

Since Kylo had returned from his failed mission on the mineral planet against the rebels who escaped, he seemed to be much more aggressive with Zayn than usual which fueled him with much anger and hate towards the older latter. The more he was lured into the dark-side the more violent he became and with Kylo's sudden lasting temper his own temper only got darker, fast.

Meanwhile as all that chaos went on across the galaxy, there was another boy a few years older who had lost everything he ever loved in a surprise attack on his planet Tatooine when he was child. This boy lost his entire family on that ill fated day. Luckily for him, his family had ties with the Resistance so within seconds of his parents deaths the poor broken boy was immediately rescued by the one and only Resistance fleet.

From that day forward he was required to join the Resistance as pay for them rescuing and protecting him.

Quickly the boy shot up the ranks surprising the head General, Leia by how fast of a learner he was. At just twenty four Leia had been so intrigued in his fast progress she promoted him to Co-Captain of the blue fleet. He survived much of their missions and was very good at plotting attacks with his team, the head Captain of all the fleets, Captain Poe, was almost jealous by how intelligent this boy was at such a young age.

Now with the two boys...who'd ever think these to complete opposite young lads could strongly attract, even if they were arch enemies...The dark and light combining as one...It had to impossible—right?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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