Link smiled brightly at Mipha. "Thanks a lot! I knew I could count on you, Mipha."

Mipha smiled fondly at Link, a slight blush appeared on her face. "Link... I must tell you something. But I will save it after we rescue the princess. Is that alright with you?"

Link blinked, nodding unsurely. "Uh... Sure."

"Thank you, Link."

Rowan just blinked at Link, thinking he's was the most oblivious person on earth. He let out a sigh, his sight turning towards Thalia.

Thalia was kneeling down at Sidon's level, looking like she was having a grand time. "So, Sidon... You're going to be king one day, right? Do you have a queen in mind?"

Sidon nodded happily. "I do! It's Empress Shizuka!"

Not expecting that answer, Thalia's jaw dropped. "But... Isn't she..? You know..?" She couldn't say it, afraid to make Sidon heartbroken.

"Sidon." Mipha said walking over towards him. "Empress Shizuka is already married. For that, you cannot take her as a bride."

Sidon pouted with his lower lip, his head hanging low. "You're right... I hope that I can find someone like her one day..."

Thalia couldn't help but smile as she started rubbing the top of Sidon's head. "You will find her one day, Sidon."

Sidon looked up, his little cheeks were red as a rose. "I will treat her right when I find her!"

"I bet you will make her very happy."

Mipha started to speak up. "Empress Shizuka came here recently to speak with my father about trade. We now work together with Uratori Village. Perhaps if you ask Empress Shizuka for her assistance, it will help you more in finding the princess."

Link nodded. "Yeah. Impa filled us in on that. We were going to go there after we go to Goron City."

"It's much too hot over there. Be sure to take some heat resistant elixirs with you."

"You're right about that. I'll be sure to get some before we leave here."

Rowan was walking over to Thalia as she stood up, staring at him in awe. "Thalia..." He extended his hand towards her. "Would you like to look around for a little bit? You said you would like to do that earlier."

Seeing Rowan's blushing face made Thalia start to blush, taking his hand. "Of course I do."

Rowan smiled at her. "Let's walk around together." With that, the two started to walk away from Link, Mipha, and Sidon.

Mipha smiled at the sight of the two soon to be couple. "The duke and Thalia make an adorable pair, don't you think so, Link?"

Link nodded, staring at their backs as they were walking away. "They do. He better tell her soon or else I might just do it for him."

Without Link looking, Mipha was smiling fondly at Link, almost like admiration and love. Sidon looked up at his sister, tilting his head in confusion.

Walking around Zora's Domain, the day was still young as it was still bright out. Thalia noticed that Rowan hasn't released her hand from his, making her heart race. "Rowan... Do you realize that we're still holding hands?"

Rowan didn't even deny it. "I'm aware. Do you wish for me to release your hand?"

Thalia felt so vulnerable about that question, particularly not wanting to say no. "I don't mind it." Rowan looked like he had something on his mind as he stayed silent. Looking over to him, Thalia swallowed nervously, not used to Rowan being like this. "Are you alright?"

Rowan snapped out of it, turning towards her. "I'm alright. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Staying silent for a moment, Rowan spoke up. "I'm really worried about my cousin. Who knows what Ganondorf is planning to do with her. The thought of it terrifies me."

Thalia lowered her eyes, feeling the same way. "I just hope we're not too late... She must be so terrified..."

Rowan let out a sigh through his nose. "I don't think we will be late. I believe we will succeed. I know once we do rescue her, Link will confess to her."

Thalia let out a giggle. "I'm sure he will. I'm aware that the two have feelings for one another."

"It's painfully obvious." Rowan let out a short laugh before he became serious, turning towards her. "Thalia... I know this is the most inappropriate time to ask this of you."

Thalia blinked, being thrown off guard by Rowan's sudden mood switch. "What do you mean?"

Rowan started to blush, turning away from her. Trying to gather the confidence, he turned back at her. "What I'm trying to say is..." He paused as he let out a sigh. "This is harder than I thought..."

Thalia was curious on what he was trying to say. "You can tell me anything, Rowan. We've known each other for seven years."

"I know, but I'm just afraid what I'm about to say will ruin our friendship we have."

Thalia shook her head. "Nothing can come in between our friendship."

"Nothing, you say?" Rowan was thinking to himself for a minute, trying to find the right words to say. "Not even if I said I want to become more than friends?"

Thalia started to blush, stunned in silence as her body became stiff. "More than... Friends..?"

Rowan nodded. "Yes, Thalia. I think you know where I'm getting at."

Thalia could hear her own heart pounding in her ears. She gulped, feeling too flustered at the moment. "You want us to be together? As in... Lovers?"

Rowan's blush deepened, running his hand through his hair. "Putting it that way sounds great, doesn't it?" Thalia's entire being turned red. Rowan noticed that Thalia was silent for her own good, growing worried for her well-being. "Do you not want to? I understand if you do not wish to-"

Not expecting it, Thalia embraced Rowan tightly, feeling like Rowan was getting lightheaded from being hugged from the woman he yearns for. Silence filled the air around them, Thalia breaking the silence. "I do want to be yours, Rowan. Honestly... I have had feelings for you for quite a while. But I hid them deep in my heart since I thought you didn't feel the same way."

Rowan's face was entirely red as he started to laugh. "I thought that you didn't feel that way towards me either! Who knew we had these kinds of feelings towards each other all this time?"

Thalia softly smiled while closing her eyes, enjoying the embrace as she felt Rowan hugging her back. "It took you long enough, Rowan."

Rowan smiled down at her, chuckling under his breath. "I could say the same to you, Thalia."

The two met each other's eyes, staring at each other for a while. It felt like they were the only ones in the world. The sound of falling water was all they could hear. In the heat of the moment, the two gradually were getting closer, sharing a kiss underneath the corridors of Zora's Domain.

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