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Enshuo POV

"Oh hell no", Said Jiakai.

"Why are you here", I asked, looking at his stuff he bought with him.

"Why are you here", he said, emphasizing the you.

"Because this is my dorm", I responded, giving a annoyed smile.

"Really?", he questioned.

"Really", I responded.

"Let me see your thing", he demanded.

I gave it to him and he snatched it out my hand.

"Ok, let me see your schedule", he ordered, giving me back the key.

I took it and then I gave the schedule to him. He took it and took out his schedule. He looked at both of them. His face grew with terror, eyes widening as he just witnessed a murder.

"What happened?", I asked.

"Come on. We are going to the office", Said Jiakai, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the room.

He speed walks towards the office. I tried to let go but his grip was so tight. Some people saw us and called us 'gay' or they would say 'hashtag couple goals'. It kinda bothered me but it seemed to not bother Jiakai. He seemed furious.

A few quick minutes later, we were at the office. He finally let go of my hand and was about to go inside when he turned to look at me.

"You better stay here while I investigate this", he said, walking inside.

I stayed there like the good (not really) little boy (don't act like it sometimes) I am. He was in there  when someone came up behind me and shocked me. I jumped and looked behind me. It was Linma. I hit him softly while he was cackling.

"I told you to stop doing that", I reminded, finally laughing not because of how scared I was, but because his cackle.

"Well it's fun to scare you", Linma laugh.

"You sounds like a witch when you laugh", I insulted.

He stopped laughing.

"Female dog", he said.

"Mother hecker", I said.

"Female dog", he said, smiling.

"Mother hecker", I said, laughing.

"Female dog", he said, giggling.

Then there was complete silence for about 10 seconds.

"Female dog", Said Linma, running towards the dorms.

Then, Jiakai came out the the door, getting in front of me.

"Come on now", he ordered.

He started walking beside each other, in silence. Then he opened the door to our dorm and pulled me inside. He locked the door behind him.

"Ok so I need to tell you something", he said, looking down.

"What is it?", I asked.

"So basically we have the exact same schedule", he tells me.

"Really?", I questioned.

"Yep", he answer.

"Then let me see our schedule", I demanded.

He gave both of our schedules to me. I grabbed them and looked at them. Someone had to have rigged it, because I do have the exact same schedule as him. I swear to god, this was the worst fate ever.

A/n: I was supposed to post this yesterday but I forgot

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