Chapter 2

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Jason's been fine since then, his fever had passed and he hasn't seen Tim since. It hurts a little, but Jason doesn't care, a little hurt brings him back to reality.

He grimaces. Of course Tim wouldn't come to see him, he wants to ignore it, but the sense of abandonment is still heavy in his chest.

It's Saturday again when he hears the window slam open again and he grunts and lays against the couch. It's Dickhead this time and Jason scoffs when he sees him in his Nightwing suit.

"Fuck do you want?" He asks and Dick plops down next to him, hunching over to look at Jason's face better.

"Hey Jaybird." "Don't call me that." "So Roy's allowed but I'm not?" "Yes."

"I wanted to talk to you." Dick says and there's something tense in those words and Jason shrugs "You didn't...didn't know about our dinners?"

"Tim told you?" "No, I was keeping an eye on you from outside."

"Well whoop de fucking do! That's great dickhead, now get out of my apartment before I make you." Jason sneers and Dick flinches.

"And I also heard something fucking up our relationship." Jason tensed up this time and he glares defensively.

"Was I wrong?" He questions, and Dick shuts up for a second "S'what I thought."

"But Jason I just want you to come back home." Dick pleads and Jason snorts.

"First you hate me and want me out of The Manor, then you want me back in...? What fucking game are you playing at Dick?!" The last sentence came out louder than intended but it was satisfactory to see Dick shrink a little.

"Jay I---" "Get out of my house. I don't care if you have something to prove but I ain't your brother, never was, never will be. I don't look upto you anymore, I'm not that naiive boy you can dump your frustration on! So I'll say it again, Get. Out. Of. My. House."

He hisses out and he sees Dick flatter for a minute, but then he gets up and Jason feels one part of the heavy emotional baggage lessen just a little bit.

"I'm sorry Jay." And Dick is out.

Jason doesn't feel better anymore.

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