Chapter 1

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In this au (alternative universe), Harvey and Donna are in their twenties and live together with Mike and Rachel. Mike, Rachel and Harvey are studying law at Harvard University, while Donna is taking acting classes and acting in some plays. Also, I am referring to a few scenes that actually happened, for example „the god-awful dinner party" (where Harvey meets Donna's mom.) I apologize for any kind of faults, I am not a native speaker :/


Since Mike and Rachel are visiting Rachel's parents for the weekend, Donna and Harvey have the little apartment for themselves.

„Hey, you know I am right." Harvey says, laughing.

She just playfully punches him against the shoulder, with a big grin on her face.

„Hey!" he exclaims and smiles at her.

Donna raises her eyebrow, before taking another sip of her beer. Then she takes a look at her phone. One new message. From David.

„Ugh!" Donna groans in frustration.

„What's wrong?" Harvey asks and looks at his best friend.

„David just cancelled our date on friday." Donna replies, still feeling frustrated.

„Boy, I would have sworn that he liked you!" Harvey exclaims, obviously a little drunk.

„Yeah, whatever. How are things with Scottie?" she asks him then, not wanting to talk about it anymore. She isn't used to rejection.

„She's been ignoring me for the past few days." Harvey states, not looking all too happy himself.

Harvey and Scottie were a couple for a few weeks, until Scottie broke up with him out of the blue. Since then, Harvey has been trying to win her back.

„That sucks." Donna comments and Harvey nods.

They are silent for a while, both lost in their own thoughts.

„You know what? We need to make them jealous! Wait..I just need a minute to think.." Harvey exclaims suddenly, causing Donna to snap out of her thoughts.

Donna just starts laughing uncontrollably at his funny face expression. Since he has some alcohol intus, he needs more time to figure things out and his face expression while doing so, is hilarious.

„Yes! Okay, okay. I have a perfect plan!" Harvey shouts then.

„Here we go." Donna answers, trying to keep her laughter in control.

Harvey is so cute when he is drunk.

„We want to make them jealous, right? Let's just pretend that we are a couple, whenever they are around! Come on, that's perfect!" Harvey proposes, obviously proud of even thinking of that „solution".

„I don't know Harvey..I mean wouldn't that be weird?" Donna shares her doubts.

„You are probably right...but on the other side..we are in love with other people, so what's supposed to go wrong? A kiss here and there and that's it." Harvey thinks out loud.

„Yeah..I guess it could work! Jezz Harv that idea is crazy and brilliant at the same time!!" Donna exclaims, now convinced of Harvey's plan.

„I know, I am a genius!" Harvey replies proudly.

„Now, don't overrate yourself please." Donna answers, earning a fake hurt expression in return.

A little later they both fall asleep, cuddled up next to each other. The next morning Harvey wakes up before her, so he carefully tries to stand up without waking her. He smiles at the sleeping beauty and covers her under the sheets again, before walking into the bathroom to swallow a painkiller. He doesn't remember a lot about the previous night, but after a cold shower the memories slowly come back.

What the f*ck was he thinking, when he made that proposal?

Harvey decides to make some pancakes for breakfast, knowing that Donna would like that.

„Hey.." she greets him, whilst entering the kitchen.

„Morning sunshine!" he replies and gives her a quick look, „Pain killers are in the bathroom and breakfast is almost ready."

Donna nods and leaves the room again. She is way too tired and hungover to answer.

Twenty minutes later, they are both wearing fresh clothes, feeling a lot better already. They are now sitting at the kitchen sink, quietly eating their pancakes.

„About last night...I don't think that it's really such a good idea.." Donna says suddenly, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

„Yes, me neither. It's already coming between us and I really don't want that." Harvey replies, glad that Donna made the first step.

„Okay uhhh..just imagine we would have really done that..I mean we would have to lie to our friends..and our friendship.." Donna murmurs and laughs.

„Right?! It would have been so weird." Harvey agrees, shaking his head at his stupid idea.

Donna has become his best friend in the past few months and neither he or she wanted to risk that.

Even though the possibility of kissing her, made him go crazy.

„So, I guess I see you this evening, right?" Harvey says then, putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

„Yeah, right." Donna agrees and passes him a smile.

Today is the premiere of Donnas' theatre groups' play of Hamlet. She is playing one of the main parts, so Harvey insisted on coming.

A few hours later, Harvey is sitting in the front row, watching Donna act her part perfectly. The play is great. Even though Harvey isn't the biggest fan of theatre and this stuff, Donna is great. She really has talent. Anyone with two eyes and or two ears should be able to see and hear that.

„Hey Don. You were totally the best one in this play!" Harvey greets her backstage.

„Thanks." Donna replies, trying to hide her slight blush.

It somehow always makes her feel really special, when he compliments her.

She starts to collect her stuff, since Harvey is waiting for her.

„Who is that?" Harvey asks annoyed, pointing to a tall guy, standing next to Scottie, with his head.

„That's Dany. He's really sweet." Donna answers, without even looking up.

„You are not helping." Harvey murmurs.

„Sorry, Harv." she replies, putting her costume into the wardrobe.

„Ugh, I just don't get her!" Harvey exclaims, watching them kiss.

„Oh look, a new message from David. He cancelled our date on saturday, again! He suggested it and now he's cancelling it, again. We really need to teach him a lesson." Donna murmurs and turns around to Harvey.

They look each other in the eyes, knowing that they are thinking the same.

„We only tell Mike & Rachel." Donna whispers.

Harvey nods.

„This is just to make them jealous, and if it works, even when it's just for one of us, we stop it." Harvey continues.

Donna nods.

„And most important, we stay friends." she concludes.

He nods, again.

From the corner of his eye he can see Scottie and Dany coming their way, so he begins to lean in.

Then their lips meet. It's a soft, but passionate kiss. Her lips are full and soft and his are firm. She slowly caress his neck and hair, while he finds his hand at her waist.

This feels so good, though.

When they part, he can see Scottie stopping dead in her tracks from the corner of his eye. She looks at them in surprise, but walks away with Dany soon after.

„I guess I can live with kissing you a few times." Donna says, looking him into the eyes.

They are still standing pretty close to each other.

„You are not bad of a kisser either." he replies and smiles.

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