The dickhead cousin (part 2)

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*Londons POV*

Seth came back and lay with me for a while. We lay like that with AA playing in the background until Sam shouted for me. I got up and sighed and lazily made my way down stairs.

"Yeah??" I asked

"I know you're not going to like this but I'm putting you on patrol with Kyle" He said looking at me sympathetically

"Fine, but if he says or does anything remotely annoying I wil kill him" I said a little ticked off that Sam didn't ask me first

"LJ, I'm not letting you go on patrol with.........that." He said

"Seth, I'll be fine if he does try anything I'll howl and start trying to rip his head off for you" I said smiling at the thought of me ripping his stupid fucking head off.

"Fine" He sighed defiantly

"You better get going then" Said Sam

"Wait.......Now......" I asked

"Yes, Now" He said

I groaned in annoyance and told Kyle get his ass up off the couch and do what I say. We phased and headed for the treaty line.

'You're one sexy wolf' He thought

*Growl* 'Don't even think about it'

'I can't help it, when you look like that' He thought and I could practically hear him smirk

'That's it' I growled and launched myself at him

We had been fighting for a while, He was covered in scratches and was bleeding a lot where as I barely had any scratches on me. I gave him a wolfy smirk as I launched at him to finish him off but some pushed me away. I looked up to see.........EMBRY!!!! I phased back as did Kyle and Embry.

"What the fuck!!?!" I screamed at him

"He may be a dick but he's my cousin and if anything happens to him it'll be my fault" Said Embry

I just glared at Embry and took off in wolf form and sent a thought to Edward to see if I could go across to theirs for a while and he said it was ok. I sent a thought to Seth to say where I was going and why and he said he'd meet me there in a minute. I jumped the treaty line, without getting attacked this time, I ran to the Cullens and phased back as I got close. I walked into the house and headed up stairs.

"Hey LJ" Said Emmet

"Hey Emmet" I said and sat next to him

I had been sitting chatting with Emmet for about 10 minutes then Seth came in covered in scratches.

"Seth!! What happened!!" I said and ran up to him grabbing his face and inspecting all the scratches and bruises.

"I got a hold of Kyle before I came here" He said placing my arms by my sides

"Did Embry tackle you??" I asked him

"No......Why???" He asked

"N-n-no reason" I stuttered, I knew that if Seth found out that Embry tackled me when I was fighting with Kyle he would go on a rampage and try and kill Embry.

"London......" He trailed off

"What??" I asked

"Did Embry hurt you?" He asked me, tilting my head up so i could look him in the eyes

"No" I said and stared at the floor

Seth sighed and hugged me

"Let's get you home" He said taking my hand as we said our goodbyes and made our way back to Sam and Em's.

*Seths POV*

I could tell LJ was lying but I knew I shouldn't push so I left it at that.

I swear to god though if Embry hurt her I will kill him........

**Sorry for not updating but I was on holiday and I had no internet connection!!!! :( But I'm back and should be updating more. Sorry for it being quite short and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes Xx ****

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