After that? He snuck out and went for a walk. And he walked almost the entirety of Konoha before making his way from the outskirts back into the main parts of the city, walking for the Academy to hopefully see Naruto before his school day started. He missed the blond terribly and they barely have seen each other. He wanted to properly hug his kit and smile at him, ruffle his hair even. Hell, he even wanted to fist-bump the brat.

Kurama put his arms behind his head as Naruto has done so often. He was eating an Anbu style and color shirt, pants, and his personally dyed black wrappings up his legs to his knees, and from his elbows to his middle knuckles on each finger. His braids were wrapped up into a thick bun on his head, held by an almost neon orange kanzashi. It had orange poppies in a small bunch and three silver tails ending with one poppy blossom on each, the strings lined with little green leaves.

The sun was just beginning to wash the city with early twilight when Kurama made it to the inner part of the outskirts. He's probably just barely make it see Naruto at the pace he was going so he sped up a bit. He actually needed a hug, a lot of shit was going on for him. A coil of desperation released in his chest and he bolted for Kakashi's place. He had no idea where the jōnin lived so he followed his and Naruto's chakra signatures until he was just outside of Naruto's window.

Panting softly, shaky hands slowly, quietly, slid open the window, climbing inside the room. He stepped silently to Naruto's bedside and knelt down, murmuring softly. "Naruto..." No response. "K-kit.." His voice cracked. "Please wake up kit..."

Naruto gave a soft sound, turning his head and opening his eyes to see slitted red. He whispered, "Kurama?"

A weak smile greeted the blond. "Can we.. can I.." He sighed, looking down, his claws curling into the edge of Naruto's bed.

Oh no... Naruto knew this feeling, Kurama was having a panic attack. Naruto scooted to the other side of the bed. "Cuddle..?"

Kurama breathed out a sigh of relief, loving his kit for not forcing him to ask. He crawled into the bed, hugging Naruto tightly to him, nuzzling those bedhead blond locks. Naruto hugged Kurama just as tightly, pressing his face into the fox's chest. The blond tugged the blankets completely over them, hiding them from the world. They fell asleep like that, tightly holding each other. Kurama crying silently into Naruto's hair. Naruto crying softly into Kurama's chest.

When it finally came time for Naruto to go to school Kakashi knocked on his bedroom door. "Naruto, it's time to get up."

Kurama poked his head out from under the blankets, tufts of red hair and two deep red eyes peering over the blankets at the door. It was time for him to go, it seemed. He nudged Naruto awake gently.

"Mmm..awake.." Naruto mumbled, then more clearly. "I'm awake!"

"Alright, breakfast will be ready soon. Get ready for school." Kakashi's footsteps could be heard disappearing down the hall.

Naruto looked up at Kurama, murmuring. "I wish you had come back younger.. so we could live together, and you could go to school with me.."

"I'd make a horrible genin... I make a horrible human." Kurama gave a bitter smile. "I'm just a hindrance, a problem. We should figure out how to seal me back inside you." Kurama's voice cracked again, he blinked back tears.

Blue eyes stared up at Kurama in shock. "Ku...don't talk like that. You're scaring me..."

Kurama smiled weakly, kissing Naruto's forehead. "Sorry, kit... Just being a silly old fox. Get ready for school. Maybe I will see you later. I need to head back anyway, make sure those three are still passed out. Otherwise, I'm going to be in big trouble." He slipped out of the bed, adjusting his clothing and fixing his hair and bun.

The Right Way Around: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now