Chapter 15

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Bailey's POV:

"Okay so we're going to Forever 21 for sure! Also other stores around here! Niall is taking me to broadway, a place I've always wanted to go, so I need a dress! Where's Harry taking you?"

I looked at Carrie and shurgged.

'Hasn't said yet.'

She nodded. "Could you ask?"

I rolled my eyes but took out my phone.

"Hey, Harry. What should I wear tonight?"

I showed Carrie the message before sending.

"Thanks. That will do! Oh! We're here! Let's go!" She sqeualed pulling me out of the cab.

Just as we walked into Forever 21, I got a reply from Harry,

"Casual should be perfect," he told me.

I tapped Carrie on the shoulder and proceeded to show her the message.


Hmmmmm, that leaves us with a lot of working room.

That's great!"

She grinned as we wondered farther in.

"So... What's a color you like?" She asked bouncing up and down as she grabbed a hand basket.

I slowly signed to her, 'Whatever color is fine.'

She pouted, "Come on! Give me something to work with! Name a color now!!"

I widened my eyes but I silently sighed.

'Mint green.'

She grinned again and grabbed my hand.

"Two great minds think alike, I see."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't keep the smile off my face.

Carrie and I walked over to the escalators and slowly rode up to the second floor. She pulled me through the crowd of people and she stopped us right in front of the color coordinated section.

"Now help me out. Green is the last on the right, correct?"

I nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"WHOO! Point for me!" She cheered skipping over.

I silent chuckled and followed.

Carrie stopped in front of the multiple rows of clothing. All ranging from some sort of shade of green.

I glanced over at Carrie and her eyes sparkled. She looked in a daze as her eyes roamed the racks.

The girl seriously was a fashionista.

"OH!! That is to die for!"

Carrie stepped forward and pulled off a long sleeve mint green shirt and held it up to my chest.

"Yay? Or Nay?"

I chuckled and shook my head no.

Sure, I loved long sleeves, but it wasn't exactly chilly out.

She frowned, "Party pooper," as she hung it back up.

We continued for a few minutes looking over the racks.

Me staying mostly in the mint green while Carrie explored all the shades.

I was looking at a short cropped top with a mint green heart on it when I heard a squeal.

"Bailey!!!" Carrie chimed as she came running at me.

We almost collided but managed not to and keep our selves standing.

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