Chapter 20: Fire

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was busy watching YouTube when I suddenly heard something. It was loud enough for me to hear even if I had my headphones on.

I opened the door to see what the commotion was. The workers and soldiers ran everywhere, some were screaming and crying.

"What's happening?" I looked side to side and ran to Morgiana.

"There was an explosion." she said, "We have to go get Aladdin and Amira."

"Ok!" I nodded.

We first went to Alibaba's room to see if Aladdin was there.

"Aladdin?!" I threw the door open.

Silence only greeted us, I'm beginning to worry that he might get lost in the crowd.

"Maybe he's with Amira and Ja'far." Morgiana said.

We headed to Ja'far's room and I didn't bother in knocking.

"Miss (y/n)!" Aladdin ran to me and gave me a hug. Ja'far and Amira were in the room and it made me feel relieved.

"We gotta get out of here!" Ja'far stood up with Amira assisting her.

Before I could say a word the intercom spoke, "Attention everyone, please go out of the building right now. A fire has spread throughout the 3rd floor and it may affect the lower floors of this building."

People from the 3rd floor came running down to the 2nd floor, which is where me, Morgiana and the others are.

"Come on!" Morgiana made way for them to exit the room.

All got out but Ja'far looked like he had a hard time walking.

"Ja'far? Does your legs still hurt?" I asked him. 'Of course it does, why did I even ask hin that kind of question.'

"Not really, I can handle myself. You go on."

"We can't leave you behind Ja'far, we must stick together." Amira helped him in carrying his backpack.

He sighed, "We need to hurry if we don't want to get ourselves burned. Follow me!"

We all nodded as he led us to the exit. The fire alarm started ringing and it made my ears twitch in irritation.

"How did the fire get here so fast?" my eyes widened when I saw the flames eating up the room from the other side.

"We've got to hurry." Ja'far turned to another direction. We tailed behind him, I kept on looking back to see if the fire was coming.

The exit was near, I can see the door wide open. Ja'far made it first and the rest of us followed. Crowds of people gathered outside the building as they watched the structure collapse and burn into ashes. It made me think, 'Who would do such a thing?'

Everyone looked in horror at the building.

??? POV

Sadly, the 1st and 2nd bombs didn't inflict much injuries but at least they made the building collapse. I smirked at the scene unfolding in front of me.

It's time for the 3rd bomb to explode. I quickly climbed up the wall and dashed away. I removed the pile of leaves that covered my motorcycle and turned the engine on. I can hear growling from behind and it was just the perfect time to let the infected in.

I fired my gun to let them follow me. They were trailing behind me as I lead them to the hole of the building, it was perfect for them to fit in.

Once I've lead them close to the hole I accelerated the vehicle until they lost sight of me.

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