Unpredictable ~ Chapter 23.

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-Guren's POV-
We had all heard Y/N's 2nd shot, however being so involved in a battle we couldn't risk turning away from we could only pray for her safety.

We had managed to kill the vampire eventually, Shigure had to finish the job due to Y/N not being able to be there. I told the others to report back as I'd be fine alone.

It would take me a while, I knew the place well, although knowing where Y/N was is a whole new story. I assumed she was still on the 3rd floor and searched on.

It wasn't long until I found 2 dents in the nearby walls, she had been here. I walked in the direction and saw a pool of blood. My eyes widened, "God, please no." I walked faster, close to running,

I turned corner after corner until I found 2 bodies, one belonging to Y/N.

I ran up to her and dropped to my knees, "Y/N? Y/N?! Please be alive." My breath hitched as I checked for a pulse, I sighed a huge sigh of relief as I found it.

I cradled her in my arms, "please wake up." I cupped her small face.

I was kneeling waiting for her to wake up for a while, although I saw her eyes twitch after around 10 minutes, "Y/N? Are you awake?"

I watched as she slowly opened her eyes, she said nothing and instead peered around her before staring at me for a while. She sat up and I raised an eyebrow at her unusual silence.

Suddenly she moved, she was fast; inhumanly fast. She stopped behind me, holding a sword just inches away from my neck. I didn't even flinch but instead silently snorted in amusement as I listed the possibilities.

Vampire or demon?

"What happened to you?" I asked without even turning to face her,

"What happened to me?" Her voice was more sultry then usual,

"Yeah, I found you passed out on the floor."

"Oh never mind that." Her fingers moved to the side of my face to turn my head to face her. Her face held her usual innocence but her eyes gleamed with anything but innocence, "Are you proud of me? I technically have you in submission."

I laughed, "Submission, huh? I guess you're right. Yes, I am proud of you, darling." I watched her face light up,

"Right? Well then, can I get a-you know...reward?" She shrugged,

I knew exactly what she was insinuating, but still acted clueless. This was definitely a demon, vampires weren't as lustful as this.

"Hm? What kind of reward?"

"Well..." she trailed off as her hand slid from the side of my jaw down to my chest.

"You've never asked for rewards before; Why now?" I asked bluntly, she was inches away from my face now,

"I just thought it should be something we could start, you know?" She lowered the sword and at that moment her lips found mine; but I didn't kiss back,

"Please do it back," she said against my lips, I felt her pout and I rolled my eyes,

"Whatever," I muttered, finally responding, I felt her smile into the kiss,

Unpredictable. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 1. [Editing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu