Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R.

Start from the beginning

Numbuh 86: But I don't know what you're supposed to do.

Numbuh 12: Don't worry I'll show you come on.

They all enter but Numbuh 4 tries to leave.

N86M: (grabs Numbuh 4) Oh no you get in there little missy. Heaven forbid you should miss the slumber party of the year.

Cut to 86 opening her door.

Numbuh 86: Well girls welcome to my room. (We see it's all rainbow monkey)

Numbuh 4: Rainbow monkeys! I would have never pegged you as a rainbow monkey fanatic.

Numbuh 86: Oh yeah you have a thing against them forgot about that. (Grabs Numbuh 4 jacket) But if you tell any of the boys I will kill ya! (Let's go of Numbuh 4 who falls to the ground) (happy singing) Rainbow monkeys, rainbow monkeys.

Cut to the girls in Pjs watching rainbow monkeys. They are all moving side to side except Numbuh 4. As the song ends Numbuhs 12 & 23 hug Numbuh 4. We see they are having a pillow fight. Numbuh 23 knocks Numbuh 4 down who gets up and hits 23 against a wall and into a pile of rainbow monkeys. Everyone looks concerned until 23 pops out laughing which causes the girls to laugh. We see the girls is messing with makeup and we see they put it on Numbuh 4 who has all her hair in pigtails now and is covered in makeup. She screams while they all laugh. Cut to them eating popcorn on the floor.

Numbuh 12: You throw a great slumber party Fanny.

Numbuh 86: Well I've couldn't have done it without you Numbuh 12

Numbuh 12: What are friends for?

Numbuh 86: Oh I was having so much fun, I forgot to check in with the kids next door moon base. I'll be right back.

Numbuh 12: Ok Numbuh 4 truth or dare.

Numbuh 4: Well I'm tired so truth. (Starts drinking a soda)

Numbuh 12: Ok. Do you like Numbuh 3? (They start laughing)

Numbuh 4: (chokes on the soda) Uh… well um… I… (blushes) (Numbuh 86 screams) That came from the kitchen come on!

They all run out and we see Numbuh 86 fighting with her mom over a communicator

N86M: I'm sorry Fanny, but I cannot allow you to contact moon base command

Numbuh 86: How did you know about the moon base… Wait a minute! You're not my mom!

N86M: Clever deduction. (Pushes her) For a bratty (turns into Chad wearing a bra) girl.

Numbuh 86: What have ye done with me mom!

Chad: Oh don't worry about her. She thinks she won a spa day at Shay Massage. I'd worry more about what's gonna happen to you!

The girls come in.

Numbuh 4: Chad?

Chad: Nice to see me?

Numbuh 23: Surprised to see you wearing a bra.

23 & 12 start laughing while Numbuh 4 is confused.

Chad: (embarrassed) It's not a bra! It's Battle-Ready-Armor! It's for disguises and stuff.

Numbuh 23: Whatever you say Chad-erella. (Laughs)

Chad: You shut up.

Numbuh 86: No you shut up! One lousy teen traitor is no match for four kids next door operatives. (They get in battle stance)

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