story for fun

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Hello my name is Kyle Night this is the story of how I  found out that I was werewolf.

Today is halloween,usually me and my little adorable sister would go trick or treating but there was a problem. My sister Anna she disappeared this morning. There was a note on the kitchen counter telling us to go to the hills if we want to see her again. I don’t know who it is but they won’t see the light of day.


I went to my father for help considering he is a brigadier general and I was only a Master Gunnery Sergeant. He told me we were going to have to meet my uncle. I knew him he has the rank of Colonel in the Marines. When we got my uncle's house he looked like he was expecting us. And he was we found out he was already informed about the kidnapping. But I was told something that will change my life forever. I was told that i was a werewolf I didn't believe it at first but the more i was told the more i realized that i was not like the other kids in school. I always wondered why i could heal so fast, how I was so strong so fast, why my instincts were so good now i know. It took me a minute to calm myself down but I decided to put this to the back of my mind till after we got my sis back. The reason  I was a werewolf was because my father turned my mother into a werewolf and then I was born. Skipping past my entire life story my uncle brings out weapons to fight what I have just been told are vampires. Monsters that I will vow to protect this world from. The weapons are all decent but none of them are my style until i see a M1911. The body is all black with holy engraved gold symbols covering it entirely giving off an aura of death. The bullets are the same but dipped in holy water, making it a weapon fit for taking down demons or vampires. At that we take our merry band and go to the hills to rescue my sister from those blood sucking bastards.

TIME SKIP(10.00pm)

As my father brought us to the hills I get call from my best friend Tristain. Me, Tristain, and my other friend Ves met up as recruits when we were first trying to get in the marines. I don't know how Ves was able to join the marines cause women aren't allowed to join combat units but I won't ask her that question. Anyways I would have to go back to the navy in a week witch I didn't care about because of more pressing matters like saving my sister. . .  

As we get there I see a blood mist that streches so far it dissaperes behind the hills.As we steel our seleves for what's to come we enter the misty forest.


We come upon a meadow with an altar at the center surrounded by men in black robes. I could tell these were the humanoid leeches because my sis was laying on a platform in the middle of the alter. I looked towards my father and uncle checking if they were ready I gain conformation with a nod. As I take aim with my engraved M1911 I fire at the oldest looking one. As from witch I  have been told is an Elder vampire. The bullet flies into its left eye not killing it but it's life now hangs from a thread. Before he can react I fire for the second time into the other eye killing him before he could even scream.

My dad charges towards the group of ghouls and newborn vampires backed up by my uncle. Even though there superior in strength and skill there outnumbered. As I expect them to fall a shot comes from the forest and a figure emerges. The last person I would have thought to come. My mother she comes and helps dad and uncle.

Remembering  I have my own up job to I rush towards my sister. But before I can get there I feel a sting in my hand causing me to drop my gun. The cause was a knife from a figure that appears from behind the alter. As I see the figure illuminated  by the. Moon light I could see a famailier face. Akorom he used to bully me back in high school. Telling from how pale his skin was I would guess he became a vampire and he's a strong one At that. The battle took half an hour and by the end Akorom was in hundreds of peices and I gained a new scar over my left eye. Not waiting for more to come I get my sister off the alter and run the rest of my family not far behind.

From that day on my pack would train me and my sister every chance they got to prepare us for the war of the blood moon.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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