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ginsorrentino Your first birthday that we celebrate without you

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ginsorrentino Your first birthday that we celebrate without you... We miss you so much, dad, wishing you were here! A lot of things happened since you're gone, but our love to you didn't change! [28 May 2018]

tagged: giasor

❤️ liked by giasor, lenok_radionova and 102,002 others

View all 3973 comments
giasor ❤️
>ginsorrentino @giasor 💕
user1 oh, it was almost one year ago, geez
user2 he'd be so proud of you, supporting you during this hard time
mskostner our biggest fan, always in our heart ❤️
>ginsorrentino @mskostner thank you so much, Care!
>mskostner @ginsorrentino your family, my family
user3 I hope you're in better conditions today!
>ginsorrentino @user3 thank you so much for your support, today is a very hard day for me, but my knee is better, so it makes my mood a little bit better :)
>user3 @ginsorrentino oh my god, thank you so much for your answer, I admire you for your strength to have positive energy in this situation too!
>View replies (102)
user4 I have just realised how hard this year must be for you... First losing your father, who was your whole world, and 2 months later losing the meaning of your life with a stupid accident... I feel like if you could, you would delete this one year...

ginsorrentino liked a few comments:
"user2 he'd be so proud of you, supporting you during this hard time" and
"mskostner @ginsorrentino your family, my family" and
"user3 @ginsorrentino oh my god, thank you so much for your answer, I admire you for your strength to have positive energy in this situation too!" and
"user4 I have just realised how hard this year must be for you... First losing your father, who was your whole world, and 2 months later losing the meaning of your life with a stupid accident... I feel like if you could, you would delete this one year..."


Okay, I promise, things get little bit more excited in a few days! Also I've realised that the names I use are maybe natural for me, but not in any case for you, so I'll explain one or two quickly:
mskostner = Carolina Kostner: Italian figure skater, five-time European Champion
lenok_radionova = Elena Radionova: Russian figure skater, she was Bronze medalist in 2015 on the World Championships, but she was also Junior World Champion two times earlier
kaetkiss = Kaetlyn Osmond: Canadian figure skater, she won Olympic bronze in 2018 in Pyeongchang, she's also the 2018 World Champion

Also sorry that I didn't post yesterday, but my day was just one big chaos, I didn't have time for anything...

Love you all,
Phoebe xx

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