Chp.32 The Ball/Under Attack

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At Mewni, a portal opened and to reveal Star and them arriving to Mewni.

Star: Here we are.

(Yn): Is everyone here?

Marco: Yea, we are all here.

Star: Ok, lets go.

The guys walked to the castle and went to the entrance to see Moon and River waiting on them to arrive.

Moon: Star.

Star: Hi mom.

Moon: Oh my gosh sweetie, you look amazing, and actually look like a real queen.

River: Oh my precious little girl looking beauty as always

Star: Aww, Thanks guys.

River: And you Lad, my What outfit you have, really impressive.

(Yn): Thank you, your majesty.

River: My, I should say to all of you lads, you really quite done yourselves.

They all Thank River for his appreciation.

Moon: So, shall we all go in?

Marco: As you wish Queen Moon.

Once Moon opened the door, inside the castle was full of people, all dressed up and having a great time, dancing, eating and drinking.

Tom: WOW, this place looks great.

Jackie: Daaaamn, sick party.

Kelly: Hold it!

Something got kelly's attention, and it was a fountain of chocolate that got her attention, she ran up to it and was really surprise.

Kelly: No...Freakin...Way! A fountain full of chocolate! ...Awesome!

Ponyhead: WOW, check out all the food, mmm I know what I'm going to do today.

Janna: WOW, check out the musicians, really talented.

Star: WOW mom, you really done yourself setting the ball up.

Moon: Thank you sweetie.

-20 minutes later-

The people in Mewni were continuing having fun in the ball, especially Star and her friends. Marco, Tom and (Yn) were talking while drinking their champagnes while the girls were at the other side talking to each other as well.

Janna: So, how are you and (Yn)?

Star: We're doing great! I mean, I never he can be so nice, kind and romantic.

Jackie: Yea, and you guys really look cute together.

Star: Aww, Thanks Jackie, same goes to you too with Marco.

Jackie: Yea.

Janna: Y-Yea, must be nice for you girls having...boyfriends...

Janna was saying it in not quite sad way and had her head down and walked outside.

Kelly: What's wring with Janna?

PonyHead: Is she Okay?

Star: I don't know, let me go talk to her.

Outside, Janna was sitting there, feeling down while Star shows up to help her out. Star went to sit next to her.

Star: Hey Janna, is everything Okay?

Janna: Yea, why you ask?

Star: Well, you seemed a bit down back there, something bothering you?

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