Only in my Dreams (Chapter 1)

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This is a new story that just popped in my head. Hope you guys enjoy!  


Chapter 1

I have been driving along a semi-deserted country road for about an hour now, all the while completely lost in my thoughts. I haven't been back in Tennessee in nine years. I left, wanting to get away from small town life. Following the moving truck that carried my belongings, we finally make our way into the town I grew up in.

After living in Atlanta since I left home, I'm ready to get back to my roots. I'm ready to move forward with my life and try to get back to normal. Turning off the main road right outside of town, I can see my mother's house in the distance. Nothing has changed really since I left; the barn is still the same shade of brown and the two story antebellum home that has been in the family for generation's looks exactly the same as it did the day I made my departure.

Pulling up in front of the house, I can see my beautiful mother standing on the front porch waiting patiently for me. Getting out of the car, I inhale a deep breath, taking in the fresh country air.

"Finally, my baby is home!" Momma says rushing down the steps to greet me.

"Hi momma, how long have you been waiting out here?" I ask because knowing her, she was probably standing out here since this morning.

"Not too terribly long. How was your drive sweetie? Are you hungry?" She questions as she puts her hand around my waist and guides me up the porch.

"It was okay I guess and no we stopped about an hour ago to get something to eat and gas." I turn around to the two guys that opened the back of the moving truck.

"You guys can just put all the stuff on the porch." Turning back around I head inside with my mother.

Walking in was like Christmas when I was a little kid. I'm so glad to be home. Pictures of my mother and I lined just about every surface that you could see. I see that hasn't changed either. My mother loves pictures. She has pictures of me from when I was first born up to my wedding day. She even has a picture of me losing my first tooth but that's how my mother is. She feels like if she doesn't take a picture then she will forget that moment.

I follow behind her to the kitchen because I know the first thing she is going to do is make me a glass of sweet tea. Right on cue, she walks straight to the cabinet that the glasses are kept and then to the fridge to grab the tea. When she turns around, I'm standing behind her with a smile on my face.

"I figured you would want some fresh tea when you got here. Just made it about two hours ago." She stated.

"Thanks mom. I think after the moving guys get done unloading my stuff, I'm going to take a drive through town. See if I can remember with the elementary school is." I said taking a seat at the kitchen table.

In a few days when school started back for the new school year, I would be teaching first grade at the elementary school here in town. I loved kids, loved teaching them. Sometimes I felt like it was the kids that were teaching me.

"Are you sure sweetie, you've been driving a lot today? I'm pretty sure the school will be there tomorrow." My mother stated. She always liked to worry about everything.

"Yes I'm sure. I'm going to check on the progress outside." I say getting up and putting my glass in the sink

I walk back through the house to the front porch to see how the unloading process was going. I really didn't have a lot of stuff and the only reason I was using a moving truck was because what little bit I had wouldn't fit into my Accord. Walking over to the truck I peek in the back.

Only in my Dreams (Book 1 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now