Fancy Meeting You Here

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Next day.

"Wake up, wake up." Bree started to shake us.

"Go to sleep, you crazy. It's Sunday." I mumbled.

"I can't go back to sleep." She sighed.

"Watch some TV, eat something. I'm going back to bed." I said before falling asleep again.

"Joanie, don't leave me alone. Wake up." She shook her.

"Why me? Fine I'm up, let's go see what to eat." Joanie said while yawning.

As they were about to leave a little person entered. "Hi, Bree, Joanie." She waved at them.

"Hey April." Bree pinched her cheeks, and Joanie did the same. She just giggled.

"Go wake up your sister." They both whispered then left.

"Wake up sissy." April said while shaking me.

"No, how about sleeping more." I hugged her.

"Nope, Bree and Joanie are eating your brownies." She said as my eyes went big.

"Hands off the brownies." I said while making a run to the kitchen, April just laughed.

Bree was eating cereal and Joanie drinking coffee.

"It's Sunday morning and I'm up at seven am. Phooey." I sighed as they chuckled.

My parents came out and made breakfast. After eating we went to watch a movie, then my phone beeped.

Good morning. Hope you have a beautiful day.

Good morning, and thank you. Hope you have a beautiful day too.

I couldn't stop smiling, how can this simple thing make me smile.

"I take it you met a guy." Dad asked.

"Uhm, yeah."

"What is he studying?"

"He's studying to become a kindergarten teacher." I smiled. I hate to lie, but I couldn't exactly say, it's a stranger I met who looks older than me.

"That's good." He said before going back to the movie. Phew.


Today I was meeting Kai at this bar, I couldn't wait to see him.

After I was done, he sent a text that he was gonna meet me there in twenty minutes. We said it was better to meet there than arriving together.

Once I arrived I went to the bar and sat there waiting for him. I ordered a mojito.

"Fancy meeting you here." I turned to see him there with a smirk.

"What are the odds meeting again." I said as he chuckled.

"You look beautiful." He said before kissing my hand.

"Such a gentleman

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"Such a gentleman. Thank you." I smiled while blushing.

"Just saying the truth." He winked.

He is seriously the perfect guy. Is it wrong that I like them older than me?

"So, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty five."

"I thought you were thirty five." I said as he gave me a look.


"No, I just wanted to see your reaction, it was fun." I laughed, he shook his head.

"You're mature for your age, you're also beautiful and funny. I like that in a woman." He said before drinking his tequila.

I couldn't help but smile. Maybe this year is my year for love. I'm not saying I'm gonna jump in his arms now but, I like talking to him. It's refreshing.

"So tell me, how is it that a handsome guy like yourself is single?"

"Waiting for the perfect girl, I guess." He smiled.

"And how is it that a beautiful girl like you, is still single?"

"Waiting for the perfect guy." I said.

"Guess we're both looking for that special someone." He said before drinking.

"Guess we are." I replied.

We talked, laughed. I had a great time with him. And I was happy that me being eighteen wasn't a problem for him.

After hanging out, we said goodbye and drove home. Since we only had two glasses, it was safe for us to drive.

Once I arrived I went straight to my room, changed into pj's and fell asleep. Such a great time.

Next day.

I woke up and there was no text from him, he might be sleeping.

I went to do my daily routine, I decided to talk to mom about it. Lucky dad took April to her ballet class.

"Mom, can we talk?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

I told her about Kai and she just sighed.

"Are you sure he's serious about this?"

"I'm hoping for a yes, then again, we never kissed which is fine, cause we just went out yesterday, But what if it was just a one time thing."

"He hasn't even text me or anything."

"I say you wait for him to text you or call you. If it's meant to be it will happen." She said.

"So you don't mind that I went out with someone older than me?"

"No, if it makes you happy and he respects you. I'm okay." She smiled.

"You're the best." I hugged her.

"But can we keep this quiet from dad, just until I know that we're serious." I said and she nodded.

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