"Blake is my best friend, Damien.." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"And me?" Damien whispered through the phone and I shivered, even being miles away this man had an effect on me.

What is he to me? Boy friend? No. Fiancé? No. Not yet. There is no ring on my finger. And I didn't know what answer he was expecting ftom me, so I changed the subject, "Thankyou for the roses, they are beautiful."

"My pleasure, darling. But, next time if I ask you something you answer the question, alright? I will let it slide this time, but do not ignore my words again." He commanded.

His voice so confident and dominant that I could it feel on my bones from the other side of the phone.

"I expect an answer, beautiful."


"Okay what?"

"I won't ignore your words." I gritted out at his stupid antics. Damien chuckled at my tone,"I will have so much fun putting you in your place, darling."

"I am a bit busy," I said wanting to end the conversation,"will call later?" I tried to tone down the harshness and not to rile his temper.

"Take care, darling." With that the phone went dead.

I sighed and looked back at the roses. Picking it up in my hand I walked to our main hall where a huge vase was placed. I removed the plastic wrap around the bouquet and placed it in the vase before filling it with water.

"Wow! Who bought that?" It was Chris who was home for lunch as he looked at the huge bunch of roses.

"Damien." I replied, suddenly feeling shy.

"I never thought I would see the day when Don would send flowers to a woman," Chris said without concealing the surprise in his tone, "especially not to my sister." He looked at me with gentle eyes.

"What happened last night?" Chris asked as he draped one of his hand around my shoulders and lead me to the couch.

"Damien happened." I said looking down.

"That bad?"

I nodded in reply.

"Elle, I want you to understand that Damien is no sweet man. He is ruthless and cruel, you wouldn't even want to know the gore details of his way of handling his men and business. Women for Damien is more like sex slaves than anything, he is known for his reputation for sleeping around and using women and throwing them with no care," I looked at Chris wide eyed as he sighed at my expression, "But, if I am not wrong, this is the first time Damien send flowers to his women ever, I think he did harbour feeling for you from years ago when he saw you on your birthday."

Chris smiles at me and slides back the hair from my forehead that fell off from my bun as he continued,"I understand that he will be probably one of the most difficult men out there, what with him being the most successful and ruthless mafia leader, but give it a chance, be patient and understanding, maybe you can calm the beast, just like how mum manages papa."

"And just like how liya manages you." I joked referring to him and his girl friend.

Chris' laugh boomed throughout the hall. Although Chris is a caring and beautiful human I knew he too had a dark side that he hides from his little sister but which his girlfriend was very much aware of. Liya is an Italian woman with a contagious smile and caring soul, she was the best I could ask for my brother.

Chris got up and held one of my hand with both of his and said in a gentle tone, "Think about what I said, angel. There must be a reason for why god destined the king his queen." He patted my hands and walked away from the hall to his room.

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