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Ivy and Sweet Pea headed straight for Jughead's trailer. Ivy hopped off the motorcycle and approached his door. She knocked a couple times before the door flew open. "You might wanna sit down for this." He said looking at her and then to Sweet Pea. Jughead walks over to the couch, Ivy follows him fiddling with her nails like she does when shes nervous. She sits down next to Sweet Pea and across from Jug. Pea notices Ivy messing with her fingers and he grabs them in hopes of calming her down.

"I was looking for some files on Hiram in my dads room and I found this." He says handing Ivy a piece of paper. She takes it and read what it says. Violet Waters. Mother. She reads to herself. But the next part she reads out loud. "Forsythe Pendleton Jones II. Father." She says looking at Jug. "What does this mean." She says feeling her heart beat increase. "Ivy, you're my-" "Sister." Ivy finishes for him. Ivy sets the paper down on the coffee table and then stands up. She wipes her hands on her pants. "I need to go." Ivy says before heading to the door.

While walking out of the trailer she starts wiping the tears she feels on her cheeks. She hear the vague sound of Sweet Pea's voice telling her to slow down or to stop. But she keeps on going. Why am I upset? I just found out that my father isn't an abusing piece of shit. But for some reason I can't stop feeling upset and angry. I don't get it. She thinks to herself. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and dials Veronica's number. "Vee. Can you please come get me. I just need someone to talk to." She pleads over the phone. "Yes of course. I'm on my way. Where are you?" Veronica asks. "Meet me at the Wyrm." Ivy answers. They exchange goodbyes before veronica gets in her white Range Rover to go get her best friend.

Ivy storms in the Wyrm and heads straight for Hog Eye. "I don't care what kind of excuse they will have just don't let Sweet Pea or Jughead in. Please Hog." She pleads. He gives her a nod and stands by the door. On the outside of the Wyrm, Jug and Sweet Pea hopped on their motorcycles to get to Ivy as quickly as they could. "Pea, where do you think she went?" Jughead yells as they are going well over the speed limit down the road. "Head for the Wyrm." Sweet Pea yells back, and the dark haired boys were on their way. Sweet Pea pulls into the parking lot very recklessly with Jughead following close behind. He walks up to the door only to be greeted by Hog Eye.

"Sorry Sweet pea. I can't let ya in." He says standing with his arms crossed. "Hog, you've gotta let me talk to her." Sweet Pea says giving him a very pleading look. Hog Eye shakes his head and stands his ground. Sweet Pea sees Jug and gives him a look that lets him know to go around back. Jughead does as he's told and heads to the back door. "Hog eye, I think you just let Ivy down. Jughead just went around back." Sweet Pea says. Hog Eye's eyes widen and he runs to the back. Sweet Pea opens the door very carefully that way he can surprise Ivy.

"Oh Hog Eye, thank you for your help I thought they'd-" Ivy starts, but before she can finish she sees Sweet Pea around the corner. "Damnit Pea, I thought I made it clear that I want to be alone right now?" Ivy says groaning. "Baby I'm just trying to help. You have been through so much today i just need to know that you're okay." He says coming closer to her. "If FP knew that I was his daughter why didn't he save me from the man I thought was my real dad? I could have been saved from plenty of beatings. I could have been saved from a trip to the hospital. FP chose to leave me while my mom worked her ass of just so I could have a better life than the one she had, and when she passed FP didn't do so much as one call. Not an email, text, card. Nothing." Ivy vents to her boyfriend.

Ivy just lets the tears fall as she struggles to breathe. Ivy passes out and hears a foggy version of her best friends voice. "Get her inhaler!" Veronica yells while rushing to her side. Veronica takes her friends head and puts it in her lap. She rubs her head and runs her hands through Ivy's hair. "It's going to be okay honey I promise." Veronica says. It was the last thing Ivy heard before completely blacking out. "Jughead call 911!" Sweet Pea says motioning at the phone on the wall. He runs to it but Veronica stops him. "No! She's still trying to pay off the other hospital bill, I can fix it." She says looking at Jug. "Veronica what's happening to her?" Sweet Pea says in a panic. "Ivy has a lot of health issues and right now I assume she's stressed so she probably had an anxiety attack which triggered her asthma and she passed out because she can't breathe and that's why I need her inhaler. If her condition worsens she will have a seizure." Veronica says comforting her best friend putting emphasis on the "will".

"Sweet Pea watch her. I'm going to go look for her inhaler in her bag at the trailer. Lay her on her side just in case she starts to seize. If she does keep everyone away from her, don't try to hold her down or stop the convulsing, and make sure there is nothing in her mouth." Veronica says getting up. She runs out of the Wyrm and Sweet Pea looks at his sweet girl in his hands. "Come on princess you gotta wake up." He says while a tear falls from his eyes and lands on her cheek. Sweet Pea doesn't cry much but he couldn't stop himself. He prays. For the first time in a long time, he prays. Veronica comes rushing back in and sticks the inhaler in Ivy's mouth and gives it two puffs. Veronica keeps an eye on her chest waiting for the already slow rise and falls to pick up pace.

Ivy's eyes start to twitch and they flutter open. The first sight she sees is Sweet Pea. He lets a small smile form on his lips before wiping the tears from his face. "No way. The Sweet Pea cried? Because of me? I'm honored." She says being sarcastic. He laughs. Sweet Pea puts his hand under her head and sits her up. Veronica hugs Ivy, "Oh my goodness Ivy Grace Waters. When was the last time you took your medicine?" Her friend asks her in an angry tone. "Well since I moved out my 'dad' took me off of the insurance so I don't exactly have the money for my pills right now." She says looking at her raven-haired friend. Veronica's eyes widen. "Why didn't you tell me? You know that I would put you on my plan in an instant." She says rubbing Ivy's hand.

"I can't just let you do that. I'm not your responsibility." Ivy replies shaking her head. "Well I'm gonna do it whether you like it or not." She says crossing her arms. Ivy chuckles and rolls her eyes. "Thank you Vee for helping me. I want you and Betty to come over tomorrow night. We are long overdue for a girls night." Ivy says hugging her friend. "Do you still need me for what happened earlier today?" Veronica asked. "No I will just explain to you tomorrow night when you guys come over." Ivy replies. Veronica nods her head and gives Ivy a kiss on her forehead before walking out of the door. "Okay well, after that little fiasco I need to go talk to FP." Ivy says looking at her boyfriend and he nods in agreement. "It can't be tonight though, because we have to deal with Penny Peabody. And we need to get a move on, it's already six." Jughead says walking in. Sweet Pea stands up before helping Ivy up.


A/N Omg okay. Wow, this story is all over the place. I'm going to work on trying to bring it back in the reigns a little bit. Also, should I change the POV to Ivy or just leave it?

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