5. The Talk

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"About?" I asked him, not moving.

"I think you know." He whispered in my ear while walking past me and taking my hand. Why the fuck did he do this to me? We walked into the other room and sat down on the couch. I sat on the far end from him. Of course, he came over and pratically sat on top of me. I rolled my eyes.

"A little space would be amazing, you know." i said trying to push him off. He was more heavy than he looks. 

"You dont deserve any space." He said, sitting on top of me more. I growled. 

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" i grunted, still trying to push him off.

He grabbed my hands and sat next to me, staring into my eyes.

"I love you." He said while stroking my hands.

I sat there frozen. Did he seriously just say that? I just said that to Zayn and as much as i wanted to say it back to him, I just couldent because i knew it would start more trouble. So i decided to make him prove it.

"Yeah right. you probably throw those words around like their hellos." I said ripping my hand out of his. He took my hand back into his and held my face with the other. I knew what was coming, so why didnt i stop it?

He pulled my face forward and our lips crashed together so hard and passionately, it turned me on quite a bit. I mean, my kiss with Zayn was intense, but not THAT intense. 

I pushed him off and looked to the side, not wanting to see his reaction.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I whipped my head around and saw Zayn standing there, most likely seeing everything that just happened. 

"How much did you see?" Harry asked. I slapped him.

"what the fuck do you think he saw? obviously hes standing there pissed! You are a pure idiot." Harry gave me an angry stare after i said that.

"Its true. Itold you to stay away from her. You didnt listen." Zayn spoke again. 

Harry stood up and walked towards Zayn. "You know what Zayn, You dont "OWN" her. I lover her. I dont care what you guys say, i know i havnt been smart with girls in the past, but shes different." He pointed to me after that sentence and i put my hand over my face. Wasnt there enough drama tonight?

"And its obvious she loves my too. I mean, she fucked me instead of you, right?" After he said that my mouth flew open, alond with the other boys, except Zayn. He was pissed and everyone could see it. I cant believe Harry just said that.

"Yeah, your right Harry. But she didnt tell you she loves you." Harrys head turned back to mine.  Our eyes locked adn i could see he wanted to cry.

"is this true?" He choked. I shuffled my eyes around the room. Everyones eyes were on me. I was under so much trouble at this point. I hesitantly nodded my head. Harry looked away quickly and walked out the door. I wasnt going to let him leave me here with all of this drama. I ran out the door to chase after Harry. Liam and Zayn tried to stop me, but it didnt work. 

"HARRY!" I screamed as he was about to start his car. The boys were all outside with me. 

"SOME PRIVACY PLEASE?!" i screamed at them. They all went inside and I oppened Harrys door. He was just sitting there staring off into space. A tear went down his cheek. It was awesome to see this kis have feelings, but not awesome to know that he was crying over me. 

"What is your problem?" I asked, holding his car door open. He jerked his head toward me and got out of the car, I took a step back because i knew he was angry. 

"Whats MY problem? Im sorry but the girl of my dreams said I love you to my best friend. Am i alowed to be a little upset?" He said using his hands for emphasis. It was always cute when he did that. But i needed to focus...

"BULLSHIT! im not the "Girl of your dreams" You run around fucking girls EVERY DAMN DAY!!! maybe, if you didnt do that, i would actually have feelings for you," Harry rolled his eyes and put his arms across his chest.

"How many times do i have to tell you. THERE IS SOMETHING HERE!!" He said pointing his fingers back and forth between us. 

"Well until you can prove it, I deny everything." I said crossing my arms and putting my feet together. Harry walked passed me and looked into the windows of the house.

"Your such a damn tease." He said grabbing my hand. He led me to the passenger seat of his car and pratically pushed me in. I sat there i shock when he slammed the door. He got into the drivers side and before i could say anything, he started the car and sped out of the neighborhood.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING STYLES?!" i screamed at him. Before he could answer, my phone rang. It was Liam. I answered it and Harry ripped the phone out of my hand and hung up, throwing it into the back after. I just sat there and glared at him. I could admit, i was pretty scared about what was going to happen.

"Are you going to answer my question?!" I said, pissed off.

"You told me to prove that i love you. So i am going to prove it." He said, not looking away from the road.


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