Sneak Peek

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A/N: In one month I plan to begin the next story in the Teen Wolves series, Teen Beasts. An official date hasn't quite been decided yet but it will be sometime next month. I have also been working on rewriting my earlier stories to not be so canon, though they will still follow the story line that I have put into play. I hope to rewrite them all until Teen Survivors, which I don't see any need to rewrite. And, I hope you all have liked my side bit with the Bestiary that Lydia has started to compile. Well, here is a small sneak peek into a bit of the first chapter in the new story.


A punching bag was being hit with quick and sure blows, a hard breath being hissed every strike. The one hitting it was a dark skinned young man and he was building both momentum and sweat as he assaulted the bag like it insulted him. Virgil Edelman. He then gave a shout as he slammed his whole forearm into the bag and leaned on it as he took large puffs and rested his sweaty brow against it. He slowly turned his head to gaze on a hung picture of himself standing with a man and an elderly woman. All three were smiling at the camera. He looked at it for a moment before he let out a heated sigh and hit the bag with one last fist, pushing himself away from it.

He went off to take a shower and was soon drying his hair after he finished putting on some pants along with a Beacon Hills High T-shirt on. Virgil may have graduated two months ago but he liked the look of the shirt, even if he hadn't liked his time at the school. He moved to go and pour himself some cereal as he went to turn on the TV to watch the weather. He saw that there was going to be some heavy rain late tonight. Luckily, he knew he would be home and wouldn't be caught out in it.

Then his phone rang and he moved to pick it up.

"Virgil here," he answered.

"Hey Virge," he heard his boss' voice say on the other end.

"Virgil," he quickly bit out. He didn't like anyone calling him that.

"Right, Virgil. Well listen, I'm going to need you to cover into the late night shift tonight."

"Late night?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry but I don't have anyone else."

"Okay," Virgil said slowly. "I could actually use some actual overtime for a change."

"Uh, about that," his boss' voice said hesitantly.

"Really? This is the third time. I thought you said it would be the last time."

The man let out a heated sigh. "I know what I said Virgil, and I'm sorry. But the full moon's tonight and you've seen how this night's been lately. Accidents have spiked on this night over the last year and a half so this is an emergency. More yahoos are coming out and getting behind the wheel in this town and the garage could use the extra business."

Virgil clenched his fist at his side but ungripped it. "I'll be there." He barely managed to get that out with a straight voice.

"Thanks Virgil. Look, I'll make it up to you. A full repair, free of charge. All on me. Cash it in anytime you want."

"Yeah, I appreciate it." Vigil then ended the call and almost slammed the phone down. "Ass," he muttered and he moved to dig his face into the palms of his hands.

A part of him understood why his boss couldn't get more help. Ever since his last night mechanic was killed when a car impaled him, two of his other three mechanics had quit and moved to other places. When he had been looking for work during his senior year, he had been quickly hired as he hadn't been able to find anyone willing to work there. But, his boss was now pouring the extra hours on him, knowing that Virgil couldn't just quit. Honestly, he didn't want to. Virgil actually liked working on cars and fixing them up. It was the people that tended to drive them that he had problems with.    

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