Spending Thanksgiving with the Weasley Family

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Spending Thanksgiving with the Weasley family would include:

- Spending the entire morning helping Molly cook alongside with Ginny since it's her first Thanksgiving actually making the food from scratch with no magic

- "Oh get out of here you two and go have some fun! I'm quite sure I can handle whipping up some stuffing and potatoes. I've already started on the cranberries- oh see dear, it's in the oven and the turkey is in the freezer ready for dinner."

- "With all due respect Mrs. Weasley... you're not suppose to put cranberries in the oven, they'll melt, and the turkey has to thaw and then we put it in the oven to be cooked."

- "Oh bloody hell!"

- Going around the table and everyone saying what they're grateful for

- "I'm grateful for having Y/n here or otherwise I'm sure our lovely mother would have poisoned us dead."

- Molly swatting Fred in the head for that one

- Fighting with Fred and George over who gets to break the wishbone

- Forcing the Weasley family to watch Muggle American football 

- Carrying on the Weasley tradition of a rough game of Quidditch

- Laying on the couch with Ginny waiting for your food coma to pass

- You and Ron eating all the pumpkin pie

- Trying to explain what the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is to Arthur 

- "So just a massive collection of big huge air machines roam around the city- that could possible crush someone- and these Muggles enjoy it? That's absurd, we must go at once!"

- Molly insisting that you didn't eat enough, despite the fact that you already had three plates, and piling more food up for you

- Pulling out all the Christmas decorations the second everyone's done eating

- Everyone picking out a tree together in the backyard and Arthur chopping it down

- Setting up the tree inside and getting sap all over your fingers

- George, Ron, and Bill would most likely get all the lights tangled up outside while you, Ginny, and Molly worked on the tree inside

- Percy would stand to the side and make snide remarks to his brothers and laugh at them for creating a big mess on tangled up lights

- The boys giving up and using magic instead

- George would sit next to you on the ground while you take out all the ornaments from the holder and explain the meaning behind each and every one

- Percy would fill everyone in on the background of Thanksgiving and why it is celebrated

- Fred taking you up on his shoulders so you can put the star on top of the tree

- Thousands of stories from the past would be shared

- Listening to Ginny gush about Harry Potter to you and sharing how she wished he could've  made it to which you would roll your eyes and smile because she is absolutely smitten by the boy

- Messing around with Ron and pranking his older brother's together

- Taking cat naps with Fred and George

- Before you leave, Molly would give you the warm hat she had spent the whole week knitting for you. "There you go, love. Don't want you catching a cold out there. Fred and George make sure you watch out for this one! Do not let her leave the castle unless she's all bundled up. It's suppose to get awfully cold my dear."

- Going out Black Friday shopping with Ginny and introducing her to Muggle concepts

- "Now be careful, it can get pretty vicious. Watch out for carts, I got jabbed in the side last year with one and almost didn't make it up in time to beat the crowd."

- After break, Molly would send you back to Hogwarts with plenty of leftovers

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