Damien's eyes were full of sympathy. "Neither is the Human world, Em. At least, not anymore. You've outgrown it. Your magic has."

I shook my head, looking away. "I refuse to believe it."

He chuckled. "You're still stubborn—"

I placed my cup down on the table next to him. "The one thing that no one can take away." I crossed my legs, spectering the hairbrush from the dresser into my waiting hand. "It saved your life."

He chuckled and I saw his cocky smile back. "I suppose so." In the next moment, it faded. "Who was it? The person that was murdered?"

I ran the brush through my hair. It had gotten a little longer since Kymra cut it. It now sat a little lower than my shoulders. "I don't know his name."

He watched me. "But you knew him."

I stopped, cradling the brush in my hands. "Yes. Somehow, my magic knew him." I took a deep breath. "It led me to him. It let me be with him as he died. I had a connection with him." I paused. "I think he was the last male of my kind, Damien."

He paused. "There's always Julian."

I turned towards him in disbelief.

He shrugged sheepishly, his hands in the pockets of his robe. "I made the connection when I saw you two together. It makes sense that you healed as fast as you did, that your magic was stronger. It was because you were with someone with similar magic as you. He's half Light, isn't he?" He tilted his head. "Who else knows?"

I shook my head, my throat dry. "No one. No one knows."

Damien nodded. "I won't tell anyone but that doesn't mean anyone else won't find out on their own." He rolled his violet eyes. "Including Asmo who is watching you like a hawk."

"Yeah," I ran a hand through my wet bangs. "He's been a handful."

He paused for a moment. "What's really going on between you two?"

"Me and Asmo? Nothing."

Damien shook his head, sighing. "I told you to be careful with him, Em."

"I haven't done a thing to lead him on, Damien. Stop it." I brushed my hair again, getting it caught in a knot. "He's been the only one that I can trust after both you and Julian lied to me."

Damien crossed his arms. "He's not above twisting the truth to get his way. He's not a saint."

I turned towards him. "And he's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be." I sighed, turning back to my chore. "Or how he makes everyone see him." I shook my head, looking for a way to steer the conversation away from Asmo. "He mentioned something about me signing something. Do you know what it's about?"

Damien nodded. "A stupid law enacted while Robyn was king. He did it decades ago to keep some sort of control over the Lords and Ladies. This new law is to reverse it. It was unanimously agreed upon on the Council. It's on the King's desk for you to sign when you have a chance."

I cleared my throat. "Queen's desk," I teased.

He smiled again. "Of course, Alteaza."

I licked my chapped lips. "Do we need to worry about this girl? The girl from the cabin?"

Damien shook his head. "Get some rest, Em. After what you've been through you've earned it. We'll talk about it tomorrow." He looked at the clock on the dresser. "Later this morning, then." He walked to the door. "See you at breakfast. We'll discuss plans with Oren, our general and Asmo." He turned back to me. "We will handle this."

Queen of the Underworld | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now