Chapter 10

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Gauri's POV

I look at Saumya shocked, I have never seen her this angry but then again I don't blame her, she is right these Oberois are taking us for granted and I think it's best that we stay away from them, I swear if any of the Obros brothers come in front of me, I will turn into Dabang Gauri as the Gauri that used to believe Omkara as Bhagwan (god) as officially died.

Saumya (worried) - Where is Sahil?

Priyanka (worried) - He is staying in the hostel and his holidays are also about to start... what are we going to tell him?

Saumya (smiling) - Sahil will live with us and... my friend will also help him... be a 'normal boy' or will get rid of his disability.

Anika Bhojai (shouting) - Saumya! Saumya!

Saumya immediately gets up and rushes towards the room while we all do the same and we see, Anika Bhojai shouting in his sleep.

Saumya (shaking bhojai) - Anika di! Get up..

Anika Bhojai wakes up sweating and having tears in her eyes and as soon as she saw Saumya, she hugs her.

Anika Bhojai (murmuring) - I

Saumya (hugging bhojai back) - I am right here di, nothing will happen and you will be staying with me forever.

Bhojai finally calms down and then she goes back to her bed and lies down.

Priyanka (worrying) - I just got a phone call from Sahil's school... and we need to...

Before Priyanka could finish her sentence, a guy walks into the room who Saumya runs up and hugs.

Before Priyanka could finish her sentence, a guy walks into the room who Saumya runs up and hugs

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Saumya (smiling) - Hello bhai, you finally got time for me

Guy (worried) - Princess... I have been trying to call you for the past half an hour and you haven't picked up my phone once, I called the home phone number and one of the servants said that you were with a doctor. Are you ok?

Saumya (getting out of the hug) - Bhai, I am fine...I called the doctor because Anika di fainted.

Guy (shocked and angry) - The Oberois are here... why didn't you kick them out? You know what I will

He starts coming towards our direction but then stops... I look towards what he is staring at and I get surprised to see that he is staring at Priyanka who is also starring at him. We wait for a couple of seconds so that they get out of the staring zone, but they keep on staring until Saumya does a fake cough.

Guy (embarrassed) - Ugh... who are all these... people?

Saumya (smiling) - the one you were staring at is Priyanka... Priyanka Oberoi and this is Gauri di (pointing to me) and the one lying down over there (pointing to Anika Bhojai) is Anika di.

Guy (surprised) - in my

Priyanka (runs up and hugs him and starts crying) - Ranveer... it has been so long... I really missed you... how is aunty? How are you?

Ranveer (hugging Priyanka back) - Prinku... I missed you a lot... and mum... she... passed away.... (upset)

Priyanka (shocked) - What? How?

Saumya (interrupting the little reunion) - I am sorry to cut your conversation short... but... Priyanka you were saying something about Sahil...

Ranveer (angry) - Who is Sahil?

Priyanka (smiling) - He is someone that puts a smile on everyone's faces everytime we seem him and Saumya di... we have to pick up Sahil... I got a call...

Saumya (suppressing her smile) - You and Ranveer can go pick him up, while I and Gauri di look after Anika di.

I could see that Ranveer was getting jealous and Priyanka was making him more jealous by complimenting Sahil and not letting him know that Sahil is a little boy.

I could see that Ranveer was getting jealous and Priyanka was making him more jealous by complimenting Sahil and not letting him know that Sahil is a little boy

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Precap - Jealous Ranveer

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Precap - Jealous Ranveer

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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