Chapter Eleven

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Thank you Multifandom_lover, Johanna_Clove, JeasicaCresta21, and quiet_boring_girl! It means so much and I'll update ASAP💕

Finnick's Pov

We invited Cato over for a guys day but he stormed home. Aiiiie. Wonder what happened. We gave him some time to cool of because,well,an angry Cato is a dangerous Cato. We drove right over to his house and his mother said he's been angry and crying since he got home.

"- I'm surprised. He's never this emotional," she continued. " must be a break up," Marvel suggested. "I should know. I have two sisters." Cato's sister, Cassidy, came out of know where. "He breaks up with a bunch of girls but he never sheds a tear," she told us."Hey, do you know my sister Rue?" Thresh asked out of no where. Cassidy nodded. Peeta cleared his throat. "Can we see him?" His mother nodded. "But I'm warning you- it's incredibly ugly."

Ugly was the right word. We heard loud yelling and glass breaking. We gave each other looks, then opened the door. There was a smashed glass on the floor, ripped curtains, and a trashed bed with blankets everywhere. On the bed was a puffy,red-eyed Cato. He got out of his bed, looking a little embarrassed. "Hey,Cato," Marvel said. "Hey," he mumbled back quietly. "You okay?" Blight asked. Cato flopped on his bed loudly. "Yeah. I'm so okay, right after I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me and we broke up," he snapped.

Dang, he and Clove are so sarcastic. To be honest I was pretty curious and so was everyone else. Cato told us the entire story, every detail. I was surprised. He seemed calm at first, then turned sour. He yelled cuss words about Clove's mystery guy, loudly. "Language, Cato!" Mr. Hadley yelled. "Your sister is still here!" Cato stopped and we all drove back to my place, where we ate candy and,in my case, sugar cubes.

There was literally nothing to talk about. We usually talked about our girls, but now Cato didn't have one. We usually planned and gave each other ideas for special dates to our girls, but now Cato didn't have one. We also usually bad-mouthed the boys that liked our girls, but Cato got that covered.

"Cato, maybe we should call her," I told him. "Work everything out." At that he snapped his head up. "No," he growled. "We are not calling her." He spat it out like poisonous venom. I frowned. "Why not? C'mon, we'll just do it now," I said. Cato shifted his position. "So you all can side with her? Give her sympathy and bad mouth me about how I punched her? Turn against me?" he growled. I put my hands up. "Okay, okay." So I just texted them.

FinnyCubes🐠: What up? is Clove as depressed as Mr.Cato over here?

Johanna💀: yes and,dang, Finn just get Cato to shut his fat mouth sometimes!

AnnieBannanie🐬: Johanna!

Johanna💀: what? it's true

GlimmerGlam💕: Clove was crying buckets when she saw Cato's profile on Panemgram

AnnieBannanie🐬: yeah :(

KitKat🔥: poor kid.

Madgey🌺: we should try to get them in the same room together to make up

Johanna💀: why? Clove would beat the crap out of him

FinchyPinchy🍇: oh well. I like the idea

Madgey🌺: thank you. And they'd be back in each other's arms before u know it.

Johanna💀: fine whatevs. But my money's on Clove.

FinnyCubes🐠: Ok well get them together at my place in the guest room tomorrow after school. Bye

I hope this would work out.

FinnyCubes 😂😂 And yes I did make up these text names.

Reminder: Only the girls know about Brady,and Clove trying to protect Cato. The boys have no idea except Clove cheated on Cato.

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