I get some questions!!

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Me: *reading 'Wrath Of The Dragon King* 

Gavin: *walks in* I thought your done reading that book! 

Me: *looks up* I'm reading it for the 5th time

Gavin: Why? I'm not in it! 

Me: Yeah because you DIED! *goes back to reading as Gavin leaves (hopefully forever lol)* 


Me: *goes on computer sees some new truths and dares* People get over here!

Tanu: we got some truths and dares?

Me: kind of, I don't have a lot of time right now so we're only going to do a few. 

Colter: shall we get started?

Me: yes we shall! 

Me: so the first one is from @FrosttheIceDragon  and its some question for me. 

Me: does anyone want to read them?

Kendra: I can! *Isabel hands over a paper*

Kendra: It says... Hi Isabel! (I hope its okay for me to call you that, if not just tell me and I will stop) I wanted to ask YOU a few things! Okay first, who is your favorite character(s) in Fablehaven and why? Second, what are your favorite Fablehaven ships (even if they're not from the book)? and third, ARE YOU PUMPED FRO DRAGONWATCH OR WHAT?! CUZ I KNOW I AM!!!

Me: Ok yes its fine if you call me Isabel! My favorite charterers is Bracken , and why? Because he great and I love him (like a friend)!

Bracken: Thank you Isabel.

Me: No problem. Also my second favorite character is Kendra because I can relate to her. 

Me: My favorite Fablehaven ships? Well I like Kendra/Bracken and because of the 2nd DragonWatch book I now ship Eve/Seth.

Seth: Wait what?

Kendra: Have you even READ the book? 

Seth: no......... 

Warren: You should! Big plot twist at the end! 

Raxtus: So many unanswered questions... 

Me: OKAY! We all know its good but lets not give out spoilers to those who have not read it yet. 

Me: and yes I was super pumped for the book! When I got it I couldn't put it down for 3 days! 

Seth: Why did you?

Me:........ I got to the end.......

Me: Right so we're out of time and I got stuff to do. Colter want to end us off.

Colter: alright. Please Add, Vote, Comment you Truths and Dares.

Everyone: Bye!

Me: *goes off to read DragonWatch for the 6th time*


A/N Anyways got a chapter out! YAY! I do want to warn you all that the next one might take some time, been really busy and any time I do have to write need to be spent on my other books. 

Also BTW for all of you that have read "Wrath Of The Dragon King" feel free to PM me so we can talk about it! :) But I do ask to NOT comment spoilers for everyone who have read it.

Also one last thing, I am thinking about in a few months (like after Christmas) to add some DragonWatch characters to this book. What do you guys think? Also who would you like me to add? 

Well thank you reading, love you all! 


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