It was only a couple of hours until my live performance.

I sat down and breathed in and out.

The pain in my head wouldn’t leave me alone.

Someone hitting me in the head with a hammer would hurt less.

Before I knew what was happening, I was screaming.

I had collapsed on the floor.

Next thing I knew I blacked out.

When I woke up and looked around, I was so confused.

“What happened” My mind thought.

The first thing I do is grab my phone and call my mom and tell her everything.

“Should I call Niall?” The voice in my head questioned.

“No, don’t bug him” My thoughts replied.

My head was pounding and I honestly felt like I was dying.

I called the ambulance and they came to pick me up.

The whole ride to the hospital I kept wondering what the hell is going on.

Before I knew it I was in the hospital with doctors giving me different tests.

I fell into unconsciousness.


I woke up with my mom stroking my hand while I was on the hospital bed.

“What’s going on?!” I questioned her, startled that she was here.

“Shhh, lie down Val. Everything will be- it will- be okay” She says her voice cracking and water exploding out of her eyes.

She ran out of the room, and a doctor walked in.

“What’s going on?” I ask him scared to death as the words leave my mouth.

He stands next to me.

“You have a brain tumour” He tells me calmly.

“WHAT!? NO THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!” I scream and I feel a sharp pain in my head.

The tears stream down my face as my brain tries to register what the doctor just said.

“Calm down, It’s okay you’re going to be fine, the surgery will take place next week when you’re back in Ireland” He says.

“But I can’t leave! I need to stay here!” I scream.

My mom runs back into the room.

“It’s okay babe, you can audition again” She tells me

“No, no mom I can’t. I don’t want to. I made it so far I want to stay in the completion” I sob.

Later it finally register,

I’m not sobbing because I’m not going to be on X factor, but because the thought hits me.

I could die.

Dying….That’s forever.

“Mom, tell me it’s a dream, please” I whisper my voice cracking as the salty tears fall down my face.

She strokes my hair.


“If only I could my love, if only I could” She says.

*le snap out of flashback*

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