I could feel her body close to mine, "Not a chance, I'm staying."

I couldn't argue further. At this point I knew there will be no changing her mind. And to tell the truth, I didn't want her to. I sank my fingers deeper between hers in a tight appreciative grip.

"Call me if you need anything," Sophie said, "I'll stop by in the morning before my shift starts."

"Here, I grabbed your phone charger so your phone won't die." Matt said.

"Thank you buddy. You're the best." Skye said.

I've witnessed many brother-sister relationships and those two were the most caring siblings I've ever met.

Skye led the way as we walked through the hospital's corridors. The silence between us made me think of Sophie's question. Searching for any clue of what Sophie might've meant. Anything out of the usual with Skye. Her voice, her touch. The way she spoke. Nothing.

So I asked, "Skye..."

"Hmm..." she was murmuring the hospital signs as we walked.

"What did Sophie mean when she asked, are you sure you can do this?" I didn't bother to apologize for over-listening or if this was personal.

"What? Oh," I caught her off guard and she laughed. "Elevator," she informed as she got us inside.

The floor underneath my feet change to something lighter. Then a strange female mono-tune voice announced, "First floor" before we started to move.

Skye's voice pitched a tad higher answering my hanging question, "Nothing..."

Her voice did that when she hid something or when she was mad. And that slight difference in her laugh didn't pass me. I made it clear that I wasn't convinced and waited for further explanation.

She added, "Oh well, you know... needles and I don't get along very well. Hospitals are where all the evil needles live."

I knew her too well by now. I didn't believe that half-truth half-funny story she just sprouted. Her hand shook a little in mine and I could hear her taking a deep breath. I wanted to ask more when the female voice announced, "Third floor."

"Wheelchair" Skye said as she stepped outside the elevator pulling me with her out of the way. A low squeak and rolling wheels past us.

"Ethan?" I heard my father's voice calling my name. His surprise was unmistakable, "What... what are you doing here? How did you get here?"

I stepped in the direction of his words. Skye by my side making sure I wouldn't walk into anything.

"How's Gramps?" I asked right away.

Sadness weighed his words, "He's not stable yet. So far things don't look..." he stopped abruptly then started again his voice broke a little, "The doctors are running some tests."

My chest tightened as I understood the hidden message in those words.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm George. Ethan's father." Dad suddenly said.

Where are my manners?

I didn't introduce them to one another. It was not that I ignored her, I could never do that. I just came to the belief that she was the extension of my being. If anyone knew me then they definitely knew her. There were no Skye and I by my scale, there was Skye-I.

"I'm sorry. Dad, this is Skye." I did the belated introduction. She gave my hand a little squeeze before letting go. Probably to shake dad's hand.

"Hello, sir." She said in her sweet politeness. "I go to the same school as Ethan." Then she apologized for Gramps being in the hospital and the circumstances.

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