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December 2018 - present day

"Hyung, are you sleeping?"

Minho opened his eyes. He was lying down in his bed, but not in his actual room, the room at his cottage.

He turned over and saw Jisung who he missed so much lying down beside him smiling.

But his smile quickly faded.

"Please remember that I love you." Jisung said, his eyes becoming watery.

Minho was confused, why did he suddenly say that?

He blinked and all of a sudden he was somewhere else.

He looked around and saw he was by the lake where he first met the younger.

"Jisung!" He called out.

The younger boy stood up from the rock and looked at him.

Minho's heart broke. It was a familiar scene. Jisung was smiling and waving, but tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"Jisung, why didn't you come back?" Minho called, he tried walking closer to him, but no matter how much he walked, Jisung would just get further away.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming back?"

"Why did you just disappear?"

"Please don't go."

"Remember I love you." Jisung said again and vanished into thin air.

"Minho wake the fuck up!" A voice said and the male felt a pillow being thrown at him.

"What?" He groaned and rolled over in his bed.

"You were like crying and shit while you were sleeping," Chan said amused. "Please don't go!" He mocked.

"Shit, really?" Minho said and sat up from his bed. "Did I say anything else?"

"Not that I've heard." Chan replied. "I just came here to say I'm gonna get going now. Meeting up with Changbin." He said walking out.


And with that, his roommate left leaving him alone.

It was Saturday. He had no work today, basically nothing to do, so he just went back to lying down.

He thought about his dream. It's been years since he's had a dream with Jisung in it.

The last time Minho saw the younger was in 2014.

In 2015, he went back to the cottage and Jisung's family wasn't there.

So after summer 2016, he stopped going. He was already seventeen anyways, and he knew Jisung wasn't coming back, so for a long while he hated/strongly disliked the younger.

Minho felt betrayed. As if all the kisses and 'I love you's' they shared meant nothing.

He felt as if the younger didn't care about him enough to even tell him that he wasn't coming back.

For the record, he didn't notice the small things that Jisung did which he wished he noticed back then, like how he held him tightly when they shared their last kiss.

Or how Jisung was crying when he waved him off, which he never does.

But there is no point in regretting it now. Because what's done is done and it is now in the past.

Minho's heart is still without a doubt broken by Jisung and he still feels resentment towards him.

But under all of those feelings, Jisung was still his first love which he will never forget.

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