Bae Seung Min (98)

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Ahn Hae Seung is just an ordinary girl. She's friendly, kind and smart. These past days she always dream about a boy that she doesn't even know.

"Do you still dream about that boy?" Her friend asked.

"Yes but I don't know why."

"I think you two are destined to each other."

"How can you say that? I don't even know him."

"Because you always dream about him. Emphasis on ALWAYS"

"Whatever, I gotta go now"

It's been a month since Hae Seung dreamt about the mysterious guy and yet she's still confused about him.

She often think about him and she wants to see him in person but she didn't know where to find him.

One day she was at the mall with her best friend Chae Min looking for a stuff toy for her cousin. While she's searching, she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" both of them said

"You!" They shouted

"Do you know me?" They asked

"I always dreamt about you" Hae Seung said

"Me too" the boy said

"Uhm.. What is your name?" She asked

"Seung Min. Bae Seung Min" he said

"What about you?"

"Hae Seung. Ahn Hae Seung" she said

"I think we're destined to meet." He said and both of them smiled.

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