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Day 1, Week 1


Quill: *lands spaceship on Earth* Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?

Mantis: I will be fine. After all, I'll have Peter with me.

Quill: What are you talking about?! I'm Peter!

Mantis: No! Not you. THIS Peter! *gestures to Peter Parker sitting beside her*

Peter: Don't you worry, Mr. Lord. I'll bring her back safe and sound, without a single scratch.

Quill: Please, just call me Star-Lord *opens spaceship exit*

*Everyone steps outside*

Quill: Take care of yourself, Mantis.

Rocket: Don't get yourself killed.

Drax: Remember who you are, Mantis!

Mantis: Ugly??

Drax: You know me so well.

Groot: I am groot!

Mantis: I won't forget you guys! *hugs each of the Guardians*

Rocket: Remember: if you ever need us to take you back, just press this button *points at gem on her necklace* it'll activate this tracking device so we know where to find you.

Mantis: Ok! Thanks, Rocky!

Rocket: Don't call me that.

Mantis: Ok.

Quill: *looks at Peter* make sure you keep her out of trouble, ok?

Peter: You got it, Mr. Lord!

Quill: It's STAR-LORD!!! How many times do I have to tell you? Why are you always picking up things from Stark? Are you like, his ward or something?

Peter: Not so much as ward. I'm more of a ... sidekick. You get me? *punches him playfully*

Quill: Yeah sure. Just be aware that you don't end up overprotecting her from doing anything fun like Reverend Shaw Moore.

Peter: *gasps* you mean like in the 1984 blockbuster movie Footloose?!

Quill: OMFG you know Footloose?! *no longer mumbling* Is it still, like the greatest movie of all??

Peter: Hell yeah!

Mantis: C'mon, Peter! *pulls him away* let's go explore!

Quill: Alright then, catch you guys later!

Mantis: Bye, Quill! *waves as Quill gets in spaceship and takes off*


Peter: There's so much that I want to show you right now, Mantis! We could first go window-shopping, then we could eat at a fast-food restaurant, then we could get bubble tea later on--it's a really good drink by the way--and we could catch a movie—you're going to love it here!

Mantis: That all sounds so fun and interesting! Where do we start??

Peter: How about we first get you something to wear?

Mantis: Is what I am wearing not okay?

Peter: It's just that you'll drive unwanted attention to us because of your appearance.

Mantis: You think I am hideous?! Peter, I thought we were friends!! *getting upset*

Peter: WHAT?! NO! I--t-that came out wrong! Y-you have a very nice face but--

Mantis: Now you think I am pretty?! *getting excited* Drax never tells me that! To be honest, no one does actually *realising*

Peter: *huffs exasperatedly to himself and turns back to her* Here, how about you just put this on for now. *chucks random hoodie and hat in her direction*

Mantis: *looks at him quizzically and puts on the hoodie and hat*

Peter: uhm, Mantis, you're wearing it the wrong way--

Mantis: This pocket is very useful *pats hood on her front* C'mon let's go! *Puts belongings in the hood and walks out wearing hoodie the other way around*

Peter: *Curses to himself before running after her*


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