eAt (I lOsS mY eNeRgY pEePs)

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Seo Yeon's POV

Im worried about Tae since he hasn't eat a single food yet

"Dont you want to try the food in the new opened restaurant?~" I tried one more time again

He stopped and soon nodded

We both walked until we got to the new restaurant

We went inside and i sat down

He slid the chair infront of me and sat

I looked at the menu and seemed to notice that he was just sitting there not doing a thing

"Aren't you going to check the menu?~" i asked

"No~" he coldly replied

A waiter walked to us and asked our orders

I said mine and the waiter looked at Tae

"How about you sir?~" the waiter asked

"What is it?~" he asked

"What do you want?~" he asked

"I want my love back~" He answered

The waiter became confused when i started to speak

"He means he wants the order that is the same as mine~" I spoke
The waiter nodded and left the table with a weird expression plastered in his face

Time Skip

Our orders were placed on the table

I was so hungry that i can barely left the table

While i was eating i started to notice tae looking at his food while poking it

"Come on and eat, i know your hungry~" i conjured

"Im not~" he suppose

"Come on you wouldn't regret eating your meal~" i posit

He stood at his food and soon started to eat

I watched him eat then he looked at me and soon looked at his food

"Why dont you eat?~"

"Oh yeah..~" i said with a chuckle and continued to eat...

-Park Jiminiee Mochi/ User652742234462

People this is such a boring ff.

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