Rowdy never took his eyes from Mr. Smidgen, "Why?"

Kyle straightened his shoulders, "Kaylee's sick. She told him she didn't feel good and asked to call you or Dad, and to go to the nurse. This ass...uh Mr. Smidgeon," He pointed his thumb at the man, "slammed a book and his hand down on her desk. Then he refused to let her go see the nurse even when I asked. I felt her head, she's got a fever Uncle Rowdy, her head and throat hurts real bad and her cheeks are red and she's shivering. He even told her she was lyin'. Every time she'd lay her head down, he would yell at her, once he pointed his ruler in her face and almost hit her nose. I had my phone and recorded the whole thing."

"Students are not allowed to have personal phones turned on in the classroom," the superintendent admonished the teenager.

Rowdy turned to Mrs. Rigger, "All this is going on and all you people are concerned with is a prank and a cell phone? It seems to me, Mrs. Rigger, that we have a bigger problem here. I'm gonna go see my niece, and if she is as sick as Kyle tells me..."

"She is, she really is." Kyle insisted.

He patted Kyle on the shoulder, "Alright, Ringo. I'm gonna go see your sister. I'll be right back." He stopped at the doorway and looked back at the boy, then the school staff, "Umm maybe you should come with me," and sent a meaningful look at the three school personnel.

* * *

Kaylee lay on the nurse's cot, covered with a blanket. Ms. Sarah placed a cool cloth on her forehead and took her temp again. The school nurse was a very sweet young woman of Native American heritage. She had long, straight, black hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin and was very well thought of by the students and most of the staff.

Her smile was warm and compassionate, "Well, that fever just doesn't want to go down. I'm going to call..."

Knock, knock, knock.

Kaylee's eyes went immediately to her uncle's face as he entered the room.

"Sorry to barge in, ma'am. I'm Rowdy Kincaid, Kaylee's uncle."

Kaylee coughed, and whimpered and held her throat as he walked over to the cot. Tears filled her beautiful brown eyes as he knelt next to her with a comforting smile.

"How ya feelin', Chickadee?" Her cheeks were red and he could feel the high temp through her clothes.

When Kaylee spoke Rowdy could only wince at how bad she sounded. All she was able to get out was a raspy, "Uncle Rowdy, I don't feel good, my throat hurts and my head aches."

Ms. Sarah smiled, "Mr. Kincaid, I'm Sarah Thunder-horse, the school nurse. If you'll have a seat I'll fill you in. I'm afraid you won't like what I'm about to tell you."

* * *

Rowdy was steaming, "Wait. Kaylee had a temp of 103 and her teacher accused her of lyin'?!"

He looked down at his niece who's head rested on his thigh. Kaylee was an active kid, always on the move. Yet right now, she rested in his lap almost half asleep.

Ms. Sarah nodded, "I'm so sorry. Had I known I would have called sooner. Before taking her home I think you should take her to the ER. This is a high temperature, I've given the allowed dose of Acetaminophen and it refuses to go down. I'm concered as strep throat is making the rounds. She has all the symptoms of that and an ear infection. Please, understood, I'm not a doctorso I can'tmake a diagnosis, however; I can'tstate my opinionand concerns."

Rowdy nodded, "Thank you, Ms. Sarah. You took the initiative when those who should have didn't. If you ever decide to leave this job let me know. We can always use good nurses at the clinic."

Rowdy stood, "Do you mind if I leave Kaylee and Kyle with you while I finish up in the office, and call their dad?"

Nurse Sarah smiled, "Not at all. I'll stay as long as necessary. We'll take care of her, won't we Kyle?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Rowdy nodded and left the room. On the way he called Beau and filled him in. It was no surprise that the former rodeo champ was furious.

"I'm on my way, bro. Pops, and Topper are with me."

Rowdy hung up and sighed, "Now I get to go deal with Dumb and Dumber." He murmured to himself and found he was looking forward to it.

* * *

Rowdy's face said it all, that Irish temper was about to be let loose on the school administrators.

The former Ranger pulled a cellphone from his pocket as he walked into the office. He dialed Kyle's number and pressed the speaker button.

"Uncle Rowdy? "

"Hey buddy, do me a favor and call your Aunt Bobbi. Tell her everything that happened today and send her the video. As assistant District Attorney she's gonna be real interested in all this."

"I'm on it, sir."

Hearing the short conversation, Mrs. Rigger and Mr. Smidgen's faces turned pale.

Rowdy turned to face the outstanding teachers. "I just saw my niece and spoke with the school nurse. Would someone explain to me how that child could have a fever of 103 and you did nothing?!"

Mr. Smidgen's face paled all the more as he stammered, "W-well at the time she had no..."

Rowdy's fist slammed down on the desk, "Did you even bother to check?! A temp doesn't climb that high in a few moments. I'm taking her to the ER, I've talked with her dad. I suggest you do a much better job of explaining this to him, because I promise you, he won't be as nice as I have been."

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now